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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Boomerang effect

In social psychology, the boomerang effect is "the theory of psychological reactance (that people act to protect their sense of freedom) that is supported by experiments showing that attempts to restrict a person's freedom often produce an anticonformity "boomerang effect". Boomerang effect can also represent “condition when one person or more feel that they owe you service for service, so technically if you helped them you will have better chances to get there help in the crucial moments.

How can this be used in Social Engineering?

I – Boomerang as counter-attack

First definition is typical example when your parent prohibits you something, you may develop your defensive mechanism in the other direction and start to love what was prohibited.

Example from my life:

My father always prohibited me to train taekwondo when I was a kid. He was always talking about brutality and non-humanity of that sport and so on… I started to train when I was 18, and now I am member of Serbian national taekwondo team. And as the consequence of resist, I became person that has 100%  opponentive behaviour from my father. He loves family, I don’t; he hates computers and hacking, I like it; he dislikes taekwondo, I train every day; he likes to drive, I don’t; he hates science, I realize science as the part of my life…

Now SE example:

You want to manipulate person, but you know that you are dealing with counter attacker. If your female friend has boring boyfriend and you want her to break up with him, you may constantly repeat that she should be with him, and support your theory with many different and boring sentences. Or the best you can do is to say that you are 100% sure that she will always be his slut if you want to be vulgar. It will pay off in the end.

II – Boomerang as “something for something”

This is when you do something to somebody, you will expect return behaviour. I must warn you – this will not work every time! It will only work if person knows to appreciate honour, principles and the most important reason – if that person thinks that you are valuable to her!  If not, boomerang will not happen and you will be tricked, so be warn with boomerang.

My life:

My female friend helped me on college by learning me psychology techniques. She is K1 fighter and kung fu master, and I am taekwondo master; and I train her kicking. I will always feel that I owe her.


You do the favour to the police chief(just example). You get caught for stealing, scamming… when you come to the police station, he gets you out of prison; or calls to explain.


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