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Friday, January 6, 2012

More about lying

Female brain


E Extraverion
People who prefer Extraversion tend to focus on the outer world of people and things.


I Introverion
People who prefer Introversion tend to focus on the inner world of ideas and impressions.

S Sensing
People who prefer Sensing tend to focus on the present and the concrete information gained from their senses.


N iNtuition
People who prefer Intuition tend to focus on the future, with a view toward patterns and possibilities.

T Thinking
People who prefer Thinking tend to base their decisions on logic and objective analysis of cause and effect.


F Feeling
People who prefer Feeling tend to base their decisions primarily on values and on subjective evaluation of person-centered concerns.

J Judgement
People who prefer Judgment tend to like a planned and organized approach to life and prefer to have things settled. They are more scheduling with thier activities. J types prefer "the destination" over "the journey".


P Perception
People who prefer Perception tend to flexible and spontaneous approach to life and things settled. They are less scheduling with their activities and prefer to keep their options open. They are more probing with their activities. "P" types prefer "the journey" over "the destination".

Hope this helps you understand people Smile

I thought this was "The greatest idea since sliced bread". I'm not kidding, I literally carried around a notebook and asked people about the test. About a week past and I realized something. Men and women think very differently, so to subject them to the same test would not only be stupid and wrong, but carrying around this notebook was not going to help me with what I wanted. What i wanted was to be able to understand people's personallity type and use that to learn and comprehend what they were thinking, and how they went about thinking.

What I found was that men were easy to understand, you ask a question and they... we answer "logically" and "truthfully". Women seem to be a bit weirded out when you're acting like interviewer and are asking them 79 questions that are completely random. The system is also faulty, there are literally 5 questions on this test which change for the average person 3 times a day. It only takes one question marked a different way to give a seperate personallity type.

Would you try to gain respect from your parents the same way you would from your girlfriend? Of CoURSE not! So you wouldn't do the same thing around an istp, an inward experiencer, as you would an enfj, who is an outward idealist. My idea is much more accurate, and honestly will make it easy for you to read his/her personallity, but not only will it be more effective, accurate, less creepy, and less slow, it's also automatic. No joke, as soon as you realize the method you will be meeting someone and the method will go through your head and pick up on offhand comments and interests faster than a google search for porn.

This is more accurate for women than men by the way. With this simple method you will learn how to read people and understand why they do what they do, even to the point you can predict the future (I make money simply betting my friends a dollar that so and so will break up/not make it because I know their personas don't mix, and so I have a steady income of 8 dollars a month lol). This leads to confidence in yourself by the way. And hey, if you know what makes a person tick, why can't you place yourself at the head of her world?

Some personallity's need a challenge, be one, while others are secretly mourning, be there for her, because unless you can pick up on what she's telling you without her saying it you won't know. Have you ever had that friend you know must feel a little agitated because you spend so much time around them, but you can't help it, you're drawn to them for some reason, and you don't even know what it is? Imagine being able to make any woman feel the same way for you.

Imagine it.


bet many of you have tried to trick someone to comprehending with you. It's not an easy task since trust isn't given but earned. In this guide you will find some tips to ease you.


Plan: Before you start a conversation with your slave you should think of how to approach him. You can have either one of the following stances:

Offensive stance: If you have a lot of knowledge on the subject and good opinions to back it up you should keep this stance. Intimidate the listener, interrupt him every now and then and prove that you have more knowledge than he does.

Example: You are nuclear physician and you know a lot about atoms and physics. Someone is telling you something wrong about fusion, and you know that he is wrong! You are attacking him with facts and knowledge, his chances are zero.

Defensive stance: Listen to what the slave has to say, let him finish and give hime the idea that he's winning the argument. Then, pose a question to him/her that will get him to doubt himself. However, don't get carried away cause if he speaks too much, HE/SHE will keep an offensive stance and you're generally screwed.

Example: You know less than somebody, but he doesn't believe in himself. You just say when he finishes, and then find something that will make him doubt at himself. If nothing happens, at least you got time and made him unsure of himself.

Ironic stance: If you answer ironically to the slave's ideas and thoughts he/will get angry and lose it, which means he/she will start making a fool of himself/herself. Then he/she will get worried and almost everything he/she says won't make sense. There's your chance for counter attack. Just try not to look like an idiot.

Example: You are arrogant, ironic, behaving suspiciously to everything, always saying something like "O,yeah..." and similar stuff.You are simply "higher than your opponent". If someone is telling you for example that you are stupid, and you have your IQ test with yourself, this is great chance for this kind of behaviour.

Co-operative stance: This depends on the listener you're dealing with. When arguing, you can try agreeing with his ideas and giving him/her the wrong idea that he/she is winning. You can even try praising him/her for his beliefs. After that, the listener will be flattered, thus, vulnerable. That's when you strike. However, this way is very difficult and complex so it's not recommended for people who aren't really into Social Engineering.

Example: You know that he is wrong, but you confirm everything he says, giving compliments and so on... Like a thunder, you change your stance with your heavy facts that he will never be able to break. You gave him fake belief that he is winning.

Note: It is always better if you know a lot more than your opponent.


Belief Conflict: First of all there will be a conflict between you and your listener's beliefs. It's not easy to persuade a Muslim that Allah is not real and that God is our only divide power (though even I don't believe this). So, trying to change somebody's mind on subjects he has built his life on is not recommended.

Example: any religious question - my example is that many of them tried to fool me cause I believe in reincarnation, and live in Serbia, that is simply not normal to them, but honestly I don't give a fuck about their opinion.

Knowledge: Before you try starting a conversation with the listener you must take his knowledge about the subject into consideration. If you're trying to argue with a NASA scientist about Earth's orbit or comets' speed you're obviously about to fail (and look like an idiot). Try to use topics in which you have a particular knowledge so you can overwin the listener and finally convince him.

Example: Someone is arguing with you about your specialized area( mine is sports training) and he is an actor, who never trained anything in his life. His chances are very, very small.

Skeptics: That's definitely the worst case scenario. Skeptics are people who doubt almost everything you want to tell them. If your listener is one of them then your chances of convincing him will be minimum. So, if you're not experienced enough you'de better avoid making a conversation with him cause it will end up with you wasting your time.

Example: You are saying that the Earth turns round the Sun. Everybody knows that you are right, but he simply never heard of that. And he is very suspicious. Provide him strong evidences, or no chance to success.


Shaking His Existing Belief: If the listener doesn't have much knowledge on the subject you can shake his/her existing belief and substitute your own. You can accomplish that by using countering facts and holding a co-operative stance against him/her.

Undermine His Knowledge Base: When the listener has a certain knowledge about the subject he/she uses it as a shield to defend himdself by any possible "belief threats". To bring this shield down you have to do something very simple. Convince him that you know more than him. By using false, but believable facts you will make the listener doubt his own, even if he's doing that subconciously. When you get to that point, forget about passing on your idea and try to make sure that your listener is convinced that you know more than he/she does. The rest is easy and up to you.

Program His Subconscious Mind: You can achieve this by reapeating again and again your idea. This method is a part of the mind-programming skill.

Example: You are telling someone, during the argument, if he is saying for example that bunnies are ougly, you will say that bunnies are cute. Normally talk to him, and after every 3-5 minutes tell that bunnies are cute, but make sure to sound normally and as much relaxed as you can. His subconscious will SURELY register this, but that doesn't have to mean that he will change his opinion.

Provide Proof for the Skeptic: There isn't much to do in this situation than providing legitimate proof to the skeptic. If you can't do that then there isn't anything else to do, you believe your own ideas, he/she does the same and life goes on.

Believing in Your Idea: Apart from manipulating the listener there is one thing you must apply to yourself. Believe in your ideas. If you're trying to pass an idea that even you don't believe in it then I can guarantee you will fail. When you have faith on what you're talking about the whole process will be easier for you.

Repetition and the Law of Attraction: There have been several experiments on that via TV over the last few years. Particularly, there was a banned comercial of the Coca-Cola company which only showed the logo of the product for 1 second. That's it. However, every person who watched this commercial wanted to buy a coca-cola. That happened because subconciously, the mind kept telling the individual that he needed the product. That's exactly what you're going to do. Every now and then, you're gonna talk to the listener about your idea for just a few seconds or minutes. Thus, he is going to think your subject for the rest of the day. Even if he doesn't want to.

Example: You are talking to the girl, and she is saying that she knows that she is not cute. On every minute or two, you will tell her that she is, but not directly every time. Her subconscious will register this for sure if you repeat enough times. Just be warn, if she registers you as a boring person, you won't have chances.

Social conversations, charisma and reading people tips


Social conversation and appearing is one of the most vital aspects in social engineering and every day interaction. Charisma is strength, and while charisma is largely natural, it is possible to do certain things to appear more charismatic.

Shortly said, this post is about making yourself appear more appealing and reading others.


Basic Understanding of how someone thinks

Visual thinkers: These kinds of people think by visualizing things. They commonly describe things in the following way:

“Do you see what I mean?”
“The way I look at things.”

Auditory thinkers: These kinds of people think by hearing. They commonly describe things in the following way:

“Do you hear what I mean?”
“The way it sounds to me is.”

Kinesthetic thinkers: These kinds of people describe things by how they feel. They commonly describe things in the following way:

“Do you feel the same as I about that?”
“The way I feel about this is”

Not everyone is confined to a single way of thinking. People may express themselves differently depending on the subject. When it is a more emotionally taxing thing they talk about, they are more likely to enter the kinesthetic mode of thinking. When listening to music, they adopt auditory thinking.

Confidence: Confidence is very important, but it is not just something you learn from one day to the next. So do not focus as much on increasing your confidence, but rather on the things that will make you a more socially appealing person, and with the different reactions people will show towards you, your confidence will grow substantially. Now, to the things that will make you more appealing, on a social level. It is mostly about reading body language though.


Eye Reading

Pupils: The pupils of a person dilate when they are interested in something. Keep this in mind when choosing the topic of conversation.

Eye Contact: Eye contact is necessary, but must not be persistent. If you stare into someone’s eyes for too long, they may feel intimidated and uncomfortable.

Regular eye contact is most common in Western culture, so keep that in mind. Certain kinds of people may prefer for you to not look into their eyes. I will give some examples of such cultures below.

The Islamic people try not to focus on eyes or the faces of people.

In East Asia, eye contact is also avoided. The Japanese people for example feel uncomfortable with lengthy eye contact.

Persistent eye contact can be avoided by letting your eyes travel, to the left and right, or down. Depending on the situation, it may be unadvisable to look down when speaking to women, especially when they wear revealing shirts. It may be interpreted as looking at their breasts.

Mood and eyes: It's possible to see hints of a persons mood in their eyes in combination with their forehead and eyelids. A good mood, assuming you do not have wrinkled skin, has an uncreased brow. When sad, your eyes seem more distant, and you are more prone to stare into the distance, with your eyelids at a lower position than usual.

Lying and Eye Contact: Staring into someone’s eyes persistently can be interpreted as a sign of lying, so can looking away quickly. This may not always be the case, that when someone looks away they are lying. It is a combination of various factors, having to do with exhaustion, awkwardness, and many other things.

Direction into which the person looks:

Looking to the left: The person is thinking of the past or trying to remember something.

Looking to the right: The person is thinking of something to say. This may also hint towards a lie, because it is more related to creating something that recalling a memory from the past.

Up and left: Recalling a memory.
Up and right: Creating an answer.

For some people, this may be reversed. You can figure this out by asking questions like “How do you feel about the president?” Regularly, the person would look up and right or right, but if they look left or up and left, then their eye movement is reversed.

Modes of thinking and eye position

Visual thinking: Eyes move upwards to either side. They may also look straight ahead, unfocused.

Auditory thinking: They will look sideways.

Kinesthetic thinking: Eyes will move down and to either side.

Posture: Don't bend your back or have your shoulders hanging down like, for the lack of a better word, a whipped dog. Sit straight, but not too straight. You can also lead back in your chair, if you are sitting. Don't spread your legs open wide.

Don't fold your arms. That can be somewhat off-putting.

Try not to place an elbow on a table and rest your cheek on that fist. That is often a sign of boredom.

Some things to do with your arms that show that you are a bit more relaxed. (If you can, try to act as if you are relaxed, even if you are not.):

Having your fingers interlocked behind your hands and elbows pointing out to the side. It gives full view of your body, it can make it seem as if you are an open person.

One arm resting in your lab or on the arm rest of a chair and the other on the table.

Both arms on the table, but that will only really work if you are not sitting fully erect, because then you'll seem nervous.

Smile: How often you should smile depends entirely on how you smile. A smile may seem arrogant, or farce, and if that is the case, it is best not to smile too often because people may consider it offensive. Regardless, smiles are important. A person that smiles is just so much more appealing.

Speaking: You'll have the greatest advantage in conversation if you know what the other person is interested in. Then, mix the conversation up about your own topics and their interests.

You can learn about anothers persons interest by seeing what they read, listening to what they speak to about others, and in plenty of other ways.

Initiating Conversation: The way you greet people is also important. Keep the things I mentioned above in mind. Posture, eye contact, and all that.

Now then, about initiating a conversation. There are a lot of greetings you can use, but different greetings cause different reactions.

Hey: Commonly, the person will reply with a variation of hey or hello or something along the lines, and either expect you to continue the conversation or continue it themselves. If they reply with "What's up" or a variation thereof, then just reply with what's up with you, but keep it interesting. Something that someone would like to hear, and not personal problems or anything in the like unless you know the person well.

What's up: You can also start a conversation with "What's up" and if they say something about what is currently happening to them, or how their day is going, go off that.

Sometimes a person may not want to talk to you. That can be seen in various signs, such as the tone in which they reply, firm (if they are, by nature, not firm in how they speak), a curled lip, a sigh with their reply which can mean two things, that they either do not want to talk to you, or that you are bothering them, and other signs that are too many to list.

When trying to appear professional for some sorts of scam, of course your introduction will have to be different. That would be quite lengthy to go through, so I will not mention any of that here.

Body Language: Certain things are unappealing when you talk to others. Tapping your foot, fingers, or hands. Constantly looking around. There is using your hands to speak along with your verbal communication, but I don't think I can describe how to go through with that because it probably would not make any sense.

Other: Social interaction also has to do with observing the other person, and adjusting yourself with them. If a person continues talking about a new topic, don't try to go back to the old topic unless it is necessary or you cannot discuss the current topic. A topic can be anything, from how you are feeling, to what is happening around you in schoool, what you saw in TV, in the city. Anything, really.

M1- What is Manipulation?/What you may need.
M2- Gender/Race/Looks (manipulating and manipulated)
M3- Acting the Role
M4- Rewards/Reason to Pursue
M5- Penalties/Risks
M6- Important Things to Keep in Mind.
M7- Protecting Yourself, "Counter-Manipulation"
M8- Personal "Strategies"
More will be added if needed.

M1- What is Manipulation?/What you may need

[muh-nip-yuh-ley-shuhn]  ma
1. the act of manipulating.
2. the state or fact of being manipulated.
3. skillful or artful management.
Although that definition is VERY bland, it states the basics. Skillful or artful management. To sum that up *IMO* that means controlling things in a way thats disguised, careful, and well thought out to the extent of it being the norm.

Manipulation [on humans] is the controlling of some extent of their free will for your own, benefit or prerogative. Although this may be done for other individuals, its still YOUR prerogative. Your the one manipulating, your in control. When you manipulate someone, you, unknowingly to them, take a undetermined piece of their free will, and gradually bend it to what pleases you. This can range from complimenting you for your self esteem, to money, to seats of power. Many government officials use basic forms of manipulation to gain power.

Manipulation in Our World {sub-category}
As said before, the best example of modern day manipulation is shown by the government. During elections and other paths-to-power politicians will basically tell you what you want to hear, as to gain your vote or approval. This sounds awfully basic, childish almost, but they used advanced practices in a basic way to please your ears, your emotions, and your minds.

Not only words can be used for manipulation, 'popular' individuals, like actors and other 'beautiful' people often use how they look to get what they want, simple enough right? Well not only the beautiful get it. All forms of looks, gender, race, hair style, eyes, everything can be used to some advantage. So just because you aren't the sexiest apple in the tree doesn't mean you don't get something too!

"Skills"/"talents"/ Other things you may need.
Manipulation is often a give-and-take type thing. You have to give a little to get a lot in return. Giving can range from treating someone to desert, to lying straight out to their face.

These are just things that can help you out when your trying to manipulate, they are not a requirement.
+Acting skills, Acting can help you gain their trust, without giving off any information about yourself. This will be further mentioned in M3.
+Generosity, now some of you may read this and think "Wait what? Aren't we trying to ABUSE them? Why would we be generous?!" Well it's simple, If you were to say, buy them some little silly trinket that they took a liking to, they will think 'oh, he/she is so nice!' That increases their trust in you by however much.
+Lying, Some people may not approve of this one, but if you're good at lying, then you have a higher chance for them to trust you. All you need to do is make sure you don't screw your story up.

Other Things You May Need
+To be caring to an extent. They must THINK you are caring.
+Caution, you must remember, you never fully know who you are manipulating from the start. You may be someone else's target.
+Smarts, You have to think out what they have to say, judge their reactions, and know where to move from there.
+Risk taking, Like said above, you need to judge their reactions, and take some risks to continue.

M2- Gender/Race/Looks

Everything affects manipulation in person, and occasionally online. Gender is a constant in manipulation, certain things tick guys, certain things tick girls. Guys generally like sports, while girls generally like shopping (GENERALLY). You bring either of those up, with detail, and you have an instant connection. Forming the bridge to hold that power. Now then!

Male Vs Female

Both genders have special "effects". Girls give off the general loving sense, to care, to be there for you, while men give off the protective stance, the "nothing will hurt you". Knowing this is a serious thing when manipulating someone from the opposite sex. Without them, this would be a LOT more difficult.

Males "abilities":
+The "Protection", Males throughout history have been known as protectors, you can use this towards your advantage.
+The "Charmer", Sweet, loving guys are often "rare", so being able to use this can almost ensure some amount of power.
+Attractiveness, as always.

Females "abilities":
+Emotional support
+"Bad-Ass", every straight-male always hopes to find a girl with the same general interests, whether its sports, music, tv, whatever. If a female can pull that off, a guy will usually bide her every word.
+Attractiveness. THIS is the most useful by the "hot", "sexy", "beautiful", etc females. If your attractive, then you have an advantage. A cheap shot. But an advantage.

Both genders have weaknesses as well. These can end up letting breaks in your mental wall. These are just the easy one's. I don't expect anyone to use the more difficult one's yet.

Male Weaknesses:
+Attractive females are one of the bigger weaknesses. Stupid I know, but this can be easily prevented by being cautious.
+"Ego-Boosts", someone who boosts your ego makes you feel useful, usually you will stick with them.

Female Weaknesses:
+Attractive males. Easy enough to understand.
+"Ego-Boosts", same as before.
+Sweet-hearts. A guy who can make a girl feel good, she will always want to be around him. Regardless.

Your race can often affect who you manipulate. This usually sticks to someone of your own race (EG, asian with asian, white with white, black with black). I am not being racist with this, but people naturally connect with people that are more like them. It's human nature. So if your target is of the same race, use that to an advantage. You already have one thing guarenteed in common, use that. Its the first step to control.

Attractiveness mostly plays a factor in real-life scenarios. Only on occasion is it used in online manipulation. This is rather simple. Individuals tend to look towards attractiveness in the opposite sex.
Walk through a public area and watch a group of guys/girls. Study them for 10-15 minutes, eventually an attractive guy/girl will walk by, and you can see a direct reaction if they are straight. Even if they aren't. Everyone recognizes beauty. (The blind are an exception*).
If you are overly attractive, or even just cute (male/female), use this, do what you can to distract them from what you SAY, to what you DO. If they are studying your features, usually they tend to just nod and agree. This can push them into a position where they either have to give you what you want, or regrettably leave.

M3- Acting the Role

Manipulation, in some cases, requires you to act a role. To put on a mask and pretend to be someone else. This is for people with trust issues, or just the people that aren't "super" interesting.

For this you need to be able to act, and lie. You will need a decent memory to make sure you don't mess up your story. If you do, you can nearly ensure a barrage of questions.

Being able to predict their actions is extremely useful when acting. You have to know how they will respond to what you do. When you're just starting, you cant expect this.

People are naturally cautious. So just remember that they will not just "fall for you" (certain cases are exempt.). If someone seems extra cautious, they usually have something to hide. So give them something to take as compensation. (*explained more in M8)

M4: Rewards/Reason to Pursue

This is fairly general, and personal to each person. I will just list off some reasons that are most "popular".
+Money- Manipulating for money happens VERY often. It's one of the most-occurring reasons.
+Secrets- This is mostly for curiosity. Although in big businesses or the government, this can end up with a big fall or big finish. So more extensive in the upper status'
+Sex- Mostly male's do this. Usually will occur at a bar/club/etc. Fairly obvious reasons.
+Power- Government. Explained in M1

Other Reasons
+Revenge. This can be used on ex girlfriends/ex boyfriends. Very immature. But it's still a reason.
+Spite. Just general disgust or hate towards someone.
+Boredom. Yup. It happens.
+Practice. This is on occasion. I don't advise it.
+If you have others, feel free to post them.

M5: Penalties and Risks

There are risks and penalties to manipulating. This is a short area, since there are SO many, its not worth explaining every little one. These are the one's i find most occurring.

1. Emotional Attachment- This happens between male-females. Usually you end up too close. Just keep in mind your goals and you can prevent it.
2. Losing Yourself- This is usually from acting. If you keep the role too long, you can lose yourself in the act. Once again, keep your goals in mind. And try to keep this role to JUST one person. The same role on multiple people can end up with you taking on the role permanently.
3. Revenge- People who find out they got played, may come back for revenge. If this happens, just play off that it NEVER happened. Deny it all.
4. Serious Trouble- This isn't that often, but if you fuck someone up too bad, and they head to the authorities, you can get in trouble for harassment. Or various other crimes. Just try to keep back. Deny it all. Etc.

M6- Things to Keep in Mind/Tips
This is just a tip section. It will be filled in as people ask questions.

*1- If your trying to gain someone's trust, lie to them. Make your lie fluid and keep your story straight. (*Explained more in M8)
*2- Keep notes of your work. If its an ongoing or long-term manipulation, you will want to remember important things you tell them.
*3- If they start to catch on, you have three choices.
a. Deny it all, and continue your quest.
b. Admit it and pretend to feel bad about it. Make an entirely new story out of it.
c. Leave. Vanish. Quit. This is by far the safest tactic.
*4- If irl (In Real Life), and during a "role" (your acting), a friend/someone who knows you approaches you, return the approach, telling your target you'll be right back. Do NOT let the person get close enough to spill any unwanted information.
**4- If they do manage to spill information, claim its some guy from your high school, it was your nickname blah blah blah. Just lie some more.

M7- Protecting Yourself, "Counter-Manipulation"

This section will explain how to protect yourself FROM BEING MANIPULATED. This is the "Counter-Manipulation" Section. Please enjoy this, since its me basically giving the Anti-Guide.

The basics of counter-manipulation, are knowing the basics OF manipulation. If you know HOW to manipulate, you'll often know when people try to manipulate you. Learn to manipulate the basics, and you'll catch on fast enough. The following are some basics of what to watch out for if you suspect it.

*1- Being overly Complimented- If someone is complimenting you A LOT, they are trying a basic form of manipulation. Give-And-Get situation. Keep it in mind, if it truly bothers you, tell them you are uncomfortable with compliments.
*2- Mixed Signals- Although this is VERY difficult to notice towards manipulation, NewManipulators will have mixed reactions during their manipulating. They will act one way, then another. This is more in males then females, since females also have the hormonal reasons.
*3- New Feelings- This is stating to someone who originally disliked you, suddenly changing feelings, becoming nice. Etc. (Normally they would gradually switch.) This is almost a sure-fire way to spot a crappy manipulator. Or someone that wants something.
*4- Mixed Stories- As stated above, one tactic is lying. If their story begins to fall apart, it could be one of two things:
a) They are manipulating, and messing up.
b) Genuinely interested in being closer friends, so they are trying to impress you.
*5- Paranoia- As a manipulator, I am EXTREMELY paranoid. Constantly. I'm not 100% if this is an exact signal, but I've noticed others. Paranoia can be summed up as questioning you on who you are, digging for random info. This is making sure you are who you say you are.
*6- Secret-Sharing- If someone tries to get secrets, or offers you one in-exchange, be wary, its a classic technique of false-bait. Just be careful.
*7- Won't allow you to add IRL contacts- This can apply to facebook/myspace/email/phone etc. They give you one that seems "fake" or "small."
*8- Anger- When they ask for something from you, and you say no, or you literally cant, they spaz out, or get upset. This can either be Severe Emotional Distortion or they are not getting what they want. ***Watch out for a Guilt Trip***

M8- Personal Strategies

This topic is rather hard to discuss, I'd much rather explain after a direct question is asked about a certain situation. I will state some things I do to "catch" my "prey" easier.

*1- False Baiting~ This is a tactic where you offer your own secrets, to gain their trust, or get some of their own secrets. Rather good tactic and works often. I usually lie, or tell smaller secrets, but pretend that they are really deep and impacting on yourself.
*2- False Emotion~ This refers to what I just said, Throwing your emotions at topics will make them feel bad, or sorry, for you, which is always useful. If someone feels bad, they are more likely to do something for you. Or trust you even!
*3- Guilt Trip~ Oh joy, this is an easy one. Use this as a backdoor. If they don't tell you something in return, whine and act sad that you trusted them and they don't trust you.

In Real Life
In real life, be more cautious, because people can find you easier. Just watch out. While manipulating, think it out more. There's no "oh sorry, my friend was on the computer" redo's. You have to live by what you say. So be MORE careful then ever.

Online, you have more push-and-pull space. You can mess up more. So if you're practicing, do it online. Although, Person to Person cant be sub'd for this, its still nice practice on wording and training yourself. Keep in mind that your targets here are weaker. People on the internet (targets usually off of Online Games/Chat rooms) are lonelier, weaker, and want someone around. If you really jack-them-up, it can result in them causing themselves pain. It's your risk.

Types of stubbornness

First off, I am writing this in order to explain you that people are pretty much different. You cannot say for someone that they are stupid, stubborn, bad, fast or anything else without specified reason.
So I am using the same thing for stubbornness.

You have different types, different stances, different opinions. It doesn’t have to mean that someone is stubborn just because they are not supporting your opinion. I will explain some of that now.

Stubbornness is the quality or state of being stubbornly inflexible: die-hardism, grimness, implacability, incompliance, inexorability, inexorableness, inflexibility, inflexibleness, intransigence, obduracy, obdurateness, relentlessness, remorselessness, rigidity.

Believe it or not, you have more types of stubbornness, and it can also be caused by multiple events or triggering points.If we talk about triggering points, that will be very huge subject, so I will skip it for now.

Let us talk about types:

1) LIFETIME QUESTIONS – this depends on anything that you have decided to accept as your lifetime belief, profession, habit…

- You are Christian and you believe that "God" exists.
- You are a sportsmen and you think that you cannot live without sport.
- You love computing and if someone tells you to stay off your computer, you will not even pay attention to them.

Now back to the subject, this is very hard to change or influent. Why? If someone has any opinion for so long time, so many ages without changing it, even providing the best evidence will not reprogram their brain, because their brain recognizes these info as right one.

If you try to influence those questions, I am 95% sure that you will fail, unless you have a huge amount of respect that you have earned in your opponent's eyes or your opponent doesn’t have completely formed opinions and stances.

2) OPINION MISUNDERSTANDING – Good example for this is when you have two people arguing about the same thing, and one of them is obviously right, and the other one will not accept that, or will not confess that they are defeated or anything similar; unless proof is provided

Two men are arguing if Stallin was the Soviet Union leader. First man is supporting the first belief, and the other one is saying that he was leader of Lithuania. We all know that the first one is right, but the other one is looking for evidence. If proof is provided, he would have changed his opinion. First one goes to the internet page and finds multiple evidences.

This type of stubbornness is the least dangerous, but it can make you look stupid. sometimes

3) EMOTIONAL STUBBORNNESS – this is also known as emotionally provoked stubbornness

Example: Someone is telling you that relationships are not always great option. They are not lying to you (they have proof), but they hurt your feelings in the past when they lied to you about less important things.

So you are intentionally telling them that relationships are great and you won’t change your opinion, because your brain recognizes this as one more lie, and you don’t respect that person because of their previous scams. You also can think that this person hates you or wishes you pain and suffering, and this can also be a reason for your decision.

4) PREVIOUS FIRING POINT – this is the type which consists of one previous bad experience, which returns to you always in the same or similar situation in the future. This can also be known as traumatized stubbornness.

Example: A friend screwed you over, and some time has passed. You are very sensitive from the inside. You are in the similar situation with your other friend after some time, and he is providing you evidences that you should listen to him and has strong arguments, but you stay on your opinion in order to protect yourself from trolling.

5) DEADLY TYPE – this is very, very dangerous because this kind of person will not change their opinion even if you have a whole nation on your back supporting your opinion. I really don’t know the reason why these people are doing what they do, but my advice is to stay away from these types of people.

Example: The wall is green. Other person is telling you that the wall is yellow, nevertheless he sees that the wall is green.

6) PHYSIOLOGICAL TYPE – you are telling someone to leave something or not to do something, but he has physiological needs for this activity or process

Example: You are a smoker. You know that someone has right when he tells you that smoking ruins your health. However, your brain and organism cannot handle a day without cigarettes. And you are saying that cigarettes are not going to kill you, and that he should chill up a little bit. You did this because your hormones started to work at that time, and you have habit to smoke. After some time, your brain will reprogram this information that way.

This is still under further investigation, because some scientists are saying that this is form of a defensive mechanism.

7) STEP IN FRONT – if you can read somebody like a book, you will be able to predict their next movement. If someone tells you that they will not do that, you will not accept their opinion, you will not even bother listening to it.

Example: You know that somebody is trying to screw you. He is persuading you that you should trust him and specifies reasons, but you strictly deny because you know that he is a scammer or a bad person.

8) PARANOID STUBBORNNESS - someone is simply paranoid because they were tricked too many times

Example: A new person adds you as a friend on facebook and asks you multiple times through messages to accept her. You were tricked so many times or you are a hacker, so you are afraid that this could be dangerous for you, that this could be a risk and so on.
You are not accepting, even if you know that this person really exists in real life.

Ten rules of effective persuasion

Important sentences:
- Persuasion is the skill of using words to change the way others think, feel and behave.
- Persuasion produces internal change in the other person that he or she can use in the other situations.
- Persuasion can be applied in any human interaction that involves communication.
- In order to successfully persuade, you will need persuasion and wisdom.
- Persuasion rules focus on a big picture - planning, opportunity, goals – but not on specific persuasion plays.

Rule 1: There are no laws, only rules

Persuasion is always hard. You can't simply mark and win the lottery ticket, you are not the only one doing it. It is difficult, changeable and unpredictable; there are no habits.

There is no routine here. You should not always follow the same scheme.
You must not focus on the same spot or sentence.
Simply, you must look for unusual variations, angles and surprising turns.

You are trying to persuade someone, and you know that he is vulnerable to higher knowledge level.
You know more than him. But, in the meantime, he changes his personality and he doesn't give a fuck about anything.

Maybe he survives some trauma and everything becomes equal to him. Will you use the same strategy and same law?
Of course not, you will try to adjust yourself to the new situation.

Rule 2: It's always about the other guy.

Who are you actually trying to persuade?
Is he listening to you?
Do you have strong evidence?
Are you having any kind of influence on that person?
Are you smarter than that person?
And so many other questions…

1)You are trying to persuade a Christian person that God does not exist.(religious or life beliefs)
2) You are trying to tell NASA Scientist that Earth is not turning around the sun (Your knowledge level is a lot lower).
3)You are trying to persuade person which is dead from the inside that someone loves him/her.
(Person is left by everyone, and you are telling the opposite thing without strong evidence, in their own system of values)

1)You know a lot more in some area than other person.
2)You are expert in some areas other person knows nothing or very little about.
3) You are providing very strong evidence.
4) Person you are trying to persuade trusts you.
5) Other person is gullible.

Rule 3:People tend to resist change.

Every time you try to change somebody, they will ask themselves:
”Is this change worth it? Will I feel better if I…?”
Be patient, changes do not occur frequently. Change needs time.

You are trying to persuade someone that they should eat less, because they are fat.
If you tell them without any evidence, this may potentially turn into a failure.
But if this person is a male, you can tell him that the girls will love him more if he loses a few pounds.
Or tell him that he will look better, he will be able to move more…
Remember, we are humans. We all have weak spots, you just need to locate them…

Rule 4: All persuasion is local.

Local means that everything is going on in your persuasive situation.
You need to be aware of local elements and factors.
Important factors are:
- You and your goals at the moment.
- The other person and their goals at the moment.
- The nature of relationship between you and the other person.
- Other stuff that is going on in that situation.

What are you and the other person?
Variables could be mood, mental state, skill or motivation.

What are your goals and other person's goals?
Goals are the things you are trying to accomplish, right now with the person, but also in the long term.

What is your relationship?
Friends or lovers, colleagues, competitors, supervisor, subordinate, teacher – student, strangers…
And it may also be important how long have you known each other.

What is the situation? Everything going on in life around you and around the other person. Religious, political, educational, friendly, work, play, time, date, day of the week...
When you combine all of this and your situation,you will realize that persuasion is very,very hard.

Example: You are trying to persuade your colleague that your view on some topic is better. They do not agree with you, and they disrespect you, and have better grades.
Also, you are in a trolley car and noise is loud… It is obvious that your chances are not big.

Rule 5: If you cannot succeed, don't try to.

This is just like earning someone's trust.
If you fail they will not trust you anymore, or they will trust you less and respect you less.
If you are wrong, you do not have status quo anymore, you are not the authority, you are just a jerk in their eyes.

Example: You are trying to persuade professional K1 fighter that he should attack head of the opponent, whose hands are standing in a very high guard. There is a big chance this will fail, because every normal fighter will attack the legs or stomach first, and after the guard is lowered, the head is free for an attack and possible KO.

Rule 6: Effective persuasion takes planning

Everything takes time. You need to be patient. Every persuasion is slightly different and requires a unique plan.

Example: I have a friend (she) that would do almost anything for me. She is very popular, but she doesn't like to be friend with everybody.
I don't give a crap about her at all!

I am just pretending that I am her friend because she is so popular and she will give me a lot more that you can imagine. I needed four months to become her good friend.

Thank you HackRules for learning me these wonderful things, it is the truth that our relationship is based on a lie ,but she is blinded and trusts me everything I say about my “emotions” for her. Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

Rule 7: All bad persuasion is sincere.

Sincere communicators are lousy persuaders. They call everything exactly how they see it. They will say what moves them, but not what moves the other person.
For a good persuader, it is very important to be calm, creative and full of wonderful examples, natural feelings and desires.

Example: You are telling someone that you know more than them, and you are just yelling that you know more and avoid any+ kind of conversation.
This is not good, because other people will think that you are avoiding this for some reason. And what is that reason?

Even if you really know more than them, explain them in front of other people (or when you two are alone, depends on the other perosn), calmly and easily why ls he making a mistake, and provide example.

Rule 8:Persuasion Kiss

You should always find new resources, ideas and thoughts.
You must always look one step ahead.

The Deeper the situational awareness and skill, the bigger chances you have.

Example: Your friend (she) is helping you to persuade someone in something. She knows a lot more, but she won’t talk unless she is rewarded.

Hug her, kiss her, tell her gentle words, flirt, gossip… Whatever she likes, and “Keep it up” is always important, raise her motivation.

If you know her weak spots, ”help” her bypass them or heal them.
She will come to you very quickly.

Rule 9:Walk softly and carry a big stick.

Power can make problems in persuasion.
If you feel yourself too powerful, you will open yourself in one moment and make a fatal error. To avoid that, be calm, stand on the ground, even be paranoid. This will help you a lot.

If you base everything on your power, you will have bigger chances to lose the argument and become a poor persuader.

You are aggressively telling someone that they made an error, for example football center forward that he is always late on center shot.

If you yell at them, they won’t know what their mistake is.
But if you gently tell them that they had a bad start, and that they should try to start the moment the ball is centered by his co-player, maybe you will have more success.

Sit and talk to him instead of yelling, explain to him why he made that error, try to correct it in the training, repeat this process a few times and he will surely make less errors.
Maybe he won’t be late at all next time, but this will have more effect than yelling.

Rule 10: Power corrupts persuasion

You must practice persuasion. It is a skill.
It is not just a stupid thing, it needs time, you will need training, experience and tactics. It will diminish if you don’t train often.

Use public chatrooms to train online, or use your school or teammates to train every day.

Example: You have two guys. One of them trained heavily on chat, and the other one just thinks that he is the law, and that he is the most beautiful guy in the world, with a lack of knowledge and wonderful look.

Though he has advantage in the start, he will probably lose – lack of skill, informations, evidence, knowledge. He will only win if the other person is his good friend, or some person that is crazily in love with him.
Otherwise, he will just fail.

I hope you like this thread. Please take a moment to leave comments and do not copy it without giving credits.

Art of lying

Human lie detector

Section 1: Body Language

• The person will make little or no eye contact. A person who is lying to you will do
everything to avoid making eye contact.
• Physical expression will be limited, with few arm and hand movements. What arm and hand
movements are present will seem stiff, and mechanical. Hands, arm and legs pull in toward
the body; the individual takes up less space.
• His hand(s) may go up to his face or throat, especially to the mouth. But contact with his
body is limited to these areas. He is also unlikely to touch his chest with an open hand
gesture. He may also touch the nose or scratch behind the ear.
• If he is trying to appear casual and relaxed about his answer, he may shrug a little.

Section 2: Emotional States: Consistency and Contradiction

• The timing is off between gestures and words. If the facial expression comes after the verbal
statement (“I am so angry with you right now” … pause … and then the angry expression), it
looks false.
• The head moves in a mechanical fashion without regard to emphasis, indicating a conscious
• Gestures don’t match the verbal message, such as frowning when saying “I love you.” Hands
tightly clenched and a statement of pleasure are not in sync with each other.
• The timing and duration of emotional gestures will seem off. The emotion is delayed coming
on, stays longer than it should, and fades out abruptly.
• Expression will be limited to the mouth area when the person is feigning certain emotions –
happiness, surprise, awe, and so on – rather than the whole face

Section 3: Interpersonal Interactions – When we are wrongfully accused, only a guilty person gets
defensive. Someone who is innocent will usually go on the offensive.

• He is reluctant to face his accuser and may turn his head or shift his body away.
• The person who is lying will probably slouch; he is unlikely to stand tall with his arms out or
• There’s movement away from his accuser, possibly in the direction of the exit.
• There will be little or no physical contact during his attempt to convince you.
• He will not point his finger at the person he is trying to convince.
• He may place physical objects (pillow, drinking glass, et cetera) between himself and his
accuser to form a barrier, with a verbal equivalent of “I don’t want to talk about it,” indicating
deception or covert intention.

Section 4: What Is Said: Actual Verbal Content

• He will use your words to make his point. When asked, “Did you cheat on me?” The liar
answers, “No, I didn’t cheat on you.” In addition, when a suspect uses a contraction – “It
wasn’t me” instead of “It was not me” – statistically, there is a 60% chance he is truthful.
• He may stonewall, giving an impression that his mind is made up. This is often an attempt to
limit your challenges to his position. If someone says right up front that he positively won’t
budge, it means one thing: He knows he can be swayed. He needs to tell you this so you
won’t ask, because he knows he’ll cave in. The confident person will use phrases like “I’m
sorry, this is pretty much the best we can do.”
• Watch out for the good old Freudian slip.
• He depersonalizes his answer by offering his belief on the subject instead of answering
directly. A liar offers abstract assurances as evidence of his innocence in a specific instance.
Example: “Did you ever cheat on me?” and you hear, “You know I’m against that sort of
thing. I think it morally reprehensible.”
• He will keep adding more information until he’s sure that he has sold you on his story. The
guilty are uncomfortable with silence. He speaks to fill the gap left by the silence.
• He may imply an answer but never state it directly.

Section 5: How Something Is Said

• Deceitful response to questions regarding beliefs and attitudes take longer to think up.
However, how fast does the rest of the sentence follow the initial one-word response? In
truthful statements a fast no or yes is followed quickly by an explanation. If the person is
being deceitful the rest of the sentence may come more slowly because he needs time to think
up an explanation.
• Watch out for reactions that are all out of proportion to the question. May repeat points that
he has already made. May also be reluctant to use words that convey attachment and
ownership or possessiveness (“that car” as opposed to “my car”).
• The person who is lying may leave out pronouns and speak in a monotonous and inexpressive
voice. When a person is making a truthful statement, he emphasizes the pronoun as much as
or more than the rest of the sentence.
• Words may be garbled and spoken softly, and syntax and grammar may be off. In other
words, his sentences will likely be muddled rather than emphasized.
• Statements sound an awful lot like questions, indicating that he’s seeking reassurance. Voice,
head and eyes lift at the end of their statement.

Section 6: Psychological Profile

• We often see the world as a reflection of ourselves. If you’re being accused of something,
check your accuser’s veracity. Watch out for those people who are always telling you just
how corrupt the rest of the world is. Beware of those asking you if you believe him. They
may respond with, “you don’t believe me, do you?” Most people who tell the truth expect to
be believed.
• Look at whether his focus is internal or external. When a person is confident about what he’s
saying, he’s more interested in your understanding him and less interested in how he appears
to you.
• In a liar’s story, he will usually not give the point of view of a third party. To illustrate giving
a point of view of someone else, “My roommate was so shocked that I would…”
• In relating a story, a liar often leaves out the negative aspects (unless the story is used to
explain way he was delayed or had to cancel plans). The story of a vacation, for example,
should have both positive and negative aspects of what happened.
• A liar willingly answers your questions but asks none of his own. For example, during their
first intimate encounter, Randy asks his new girlfriend if she’s ever been tested for AIDS.
She responds with “Oh, yes, certainly,” and continues on a bit about annual checkups, giving
blood, etc. And then nothing! If she was concerned about her health, as her answer implied,
then [i]she would have asked him the same question. The liar is often unaware that coming
across as truthful means both answering and asking questions.

Section 7: General Indications of Deceit

• When the subject is changed, he’s in a better, more relaxed mood. The guilty wants the
subject changed; the innocent always wants a further exchange of information.
• He does not become indignant when falsely accused. While he is being accused the liar will
remain fairly expressionless. The liar is more concerned with how he is going to respond than
he is with the accusation itself.
• He uses such phrases as “To tell you the truth,” “To be perfectly honest,” and “Why would I
lie to you?”
• He has an answer to your question down pat, such as giving precise detail to an event
occurring two months ago.
• He stalls by asking you to repeat the question or by answering your question with a question.
“Where did you hear that?” “Could you be more specific?” or even repeating your question
back to you, at an attempt at sounding incredulous. For example, “Did I sell you a puppy with
a heart condition? Is that what you’re asking me?”
• What he’s saying sounds implausible, such as “During the past ten years, I have never used a
specific racial epithet.”
• He offers a preamble to his statement starting with “I don’t want you to think that…” Often
that’s exactly what he wants you to think. Whenever someone makes a point of telling you
what they’re not doing, you can be sure it’s exactly what they are doing. Such as, “Not to
hurt your feelings, but…”
• He implies through a form of denial. You hear, “He’s having marital problems, but it has
nothing to do with his wife’s new job.” What’s the first thing you ask? “What does his wife
do?” Suddenly you’re in the exact conversation that is “supposed” to have no bearing on the
• He uses humor or sarcasm to defuse your concerns, rather than responding seriously.
• He offers you a “better” alternative to your request when he is unable to give you what you
originally asked for. Before you accept someone at his word that he has something better to
offer, first see whether he has what you originally asked for. If he doesn’t, then you shouldn’t
believe him.
• All of his facts relating to numbers are the same or multiples of one another. Watch out when
facts, figures, and information have unusual similarities.
• There is evidence of involuntary responses that are anxiety based. Anxiety causes many
things. His breather may appear as a deep, audible inhaling in an attempt to control his
breathing to calm himself. Swallowing becomes difficult; he may clear his throat. His ability
to focus on something is often diminished, unable to pay attention to what’s going on.
• He uses an obvious fact to support a dubious action. For example, let’s say that a guard is
standing watch over a restricted area. It’s his job to check ID’s of those who enter. “I’m not
sure you have authorization,” he says to a man attempting access. “I’m not surprised,”
answered the man, “only a few people are aware of my clearance level. My work here is not
supposed to be known by everyone.”
• He casually tells you something that deserves more attention.
• He exclaims his displeasure at the actions of another who has done something similar so that
you will not suspect him. For instance, if he is trying to throw you off track of his
embezzlement scheme, he may openly chastise another employee for “borrowing” some
office supplies for personal use at home. Your impression is that he is moral person who
objects to something as minor as stealing office supplies. Certainly he cannot be responsible
for a large-scale embezzlement scheme.
• He may casually tell you something that should deserve more attention. “Oh by the way, I’ve
got to go out of town next weekend on business.” If he doesn’t usually travel for work on the
weekends, then you would expect her to make a point of how unusual the trip is. Her
downplaying the trip makes it suspicious. When something out of the ordinary happens and
the person doesn’t draw attention to it, it means that he is trying to draw attention away from
it. Another tactic is running off a long list of items in the hope that one will remain unnoticed.
• If he lies about one thing, everything he says is questionable.
• His story is so wild that you almost don’t believe it. But you do, because if he wanted to lie,
you think that he would have come up with something more plausible.


I bet you have already written my tutorial How to be very successful liar, but that tut is for advanced liars. What if you are noob? This can help you to start, but remember, you need to adjust this to your possibilities. Good luck!

Anyone in his/her lifetime had a need to lie(don't argue with that), but
how to do it to make them believe you.
Here come few advices in a package. Smile

First, the most important thing is conviction , it means talk steady, don't twitch your speech. Sentences must be short and laconic, not literally "yes", "no", "maybe" instead of them use "Yes your right" or something like that to prove to listener that you not afraid to answer and don't want quickly change the theme of current speech, which ,of course, will any normal person make suspicious about you and what you're thinking.

Second,choosing the sentences.

As I said they must be straight, but not too straight. Always make sentences for the current topic of conversation. Better, make other person to change it. Give them a little pressure to show you're controlling the conversation.

Third,behaviour while lying.

Never look down! It means you ashamed of yourself and not quite convicted about yourself, you're afraiding of what the person will say after your statement. Don't be nervous, don't make legs crossed(it just gives sign of impatience to get rid of current conversation). Look at the same level as the persons eyes (look at what is behind him/her). Hands must be calm,relaxed,best would be too keep them crossed, steady(it adds that majority feeeling).

Fourth,reverse the reverse psychology.(optional,just for juice!)

Dont lie, strike, say directly, what you did or mean.The person will be confused and amazed(in most cases), after that-lie , he will believe in it.
But don't do this, if you think the other person was waiting for that "wrong" action, statement, whatever. It'll make him suspicious.

Ending conversation.
Simple, make him/her ending it.

Don't sweat(sweating is sign that you're using more energy to speak, and for what you're using so much energy, correct!For lying!!)
Tip:before conversation squeeze(not to hard) blood-vessel which is between your neck and shoulder,in front of your neck muscle.This will stop the blood from filling your face red.

Let's say that you don't have any experince at lying. For start, these basic tips will help you:

1. Always look the person your lying to in the eye.
2. Don't fidget and look away.
3. Make sure you know what your going to say or you'll stutter.
4. Remember your story and don't change it.
5. Stay consistent with what you said. If you change it they'll know your lying.
6. Don't smile.
7. Use past emotions to make your poker face perfect. (Like remembering a dead loved one for sadness)
8. Do not expect to become a pro liar over night. Be patient, train your skills, progress easily. Remember, patience is the key!


1) Try to talk firmly without losing any word cause this shows your uncertainty. Doing this will make the listener believe you are trustworthy.

2) Use big words and sentences. It's recommended that you don't answer questions with one or two words. Back up your opinion as well as you can.

3) Don't look desperate. It shows that you have lost faith on what you're trying to do which intrigues the listener whether you believe in it or not.

4) Try to stare him/her in the eyes. Thus, you will intimidate him and he will hold an affirmative stand against you, even though he's doing it subconciously.

5) Tell a joke. If you seem more light about the subject your slave will be even lighter and believe everything you want to pass on.

6) Be more demanding. You will let the listener know that you are determined to convince him so there is no way out.

7) Do not touch the listener. You will scare him away by doing that and he will keep a very defensive way.

8) I would say follow the rules above but it would be shitty. Try to speak loud and clear. Do not make the listener ask you "What?" cause automatically you lose lots of points.


Before I begin my thread regarding sympathy, I would like to wish you all good luck in all your efforts made to manipulate the human mind. This is my first serious thread on this forum and I hope that you will all enjoy it.

Chapter One: Sympathy in a nutshell

The word sympathy in the Oxford Online Dictionary defines:

1. feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune
2. understanding between people; common feeling.

As self-explaining as they are, in short the word sympathy means to feel sorry for someone during their unfortunate times/events etc. Sympathy is a reflex towards listening to misfortunate stories. Everybody has sympathy, it's human. Being sympathetical towards another's unhappiness and suffering shows the slave that you are understanding towards their grief. A positive feeling showing that you are understanding, sympathy also has a side to it which can be used for normal human manipulation. As humans are not telepathic and the general population not possessing the ability to read emotions, sympathy can come into play as a nasty tool to manipulate. Allowing people to feel sympathy towards you and/or feeling sympathetical towards people can both lead to successful human manipulation. These will be explained throughout the thread. Also throughout the thread, majority of the acts will be done by exaggeration and bending the truth.

Chapter Two: Get your story straight!

As said in the previous chapter, sympathy is a nasty tool to allow people to feel sympathy towards you. If successful, it can allow you to control the slave (according to the story you made up during the act). If unsuccessful, the story created will remain - in the eyes of the slave - a true story. There is no need to exercise or learn something to lie and/or to make people feel sympathy. The only thing to do is to set your story straight, so when asked random questions regarding the story, you will show no hesitance in answering them, therefore making the story seem real. A story, in this case, is something that shows that you have had a misfortunate event go by, and you are suffering from it. Lets begin with an example:

Our story: Peter is a teenager learning to manipulate the mind by using sympathy. He has already thought of the story he wishes to tell his girlfriend, Angelina. His story is simple: he lost his wallet at the shopping mall last week and it had his monthly savings in it which he was going to buy a PlayStation game with. He has used to this story because he knows his girlfriends' family is rich and capable of spending money to virtually anything.

Peter has his story set straight, willing to answer every question that comes at him. He has done his research, knowing that his girlfriends' parents are economically stable to spend money to anything they want. This is the successful first step in using sympathy as a human manipulation technique.

Chapter Three: Act as honest as you can!

As a normal human manipulator, the main purpose is to act as straight and honest as you can. One wrong move can cost the whole plan to manipulate the slave. Sympathy here also plays a major role. You, the person trying to manipulate the slave, have your own story to play out. As like an actor; to make your story believeable, you have to act out as if it really is true. So as an example with Peter:

Our story: Peter meets up with his girlfriend at the local cafe. His face is filled with grief and his heart with depression. He acts this way so his girlfriend can ask him what's wrong and the sympathy technique can enter play. So Angelina asks Peter what's wrong, Peter tells her the made up story of him losing his wallet at the shopping mall and it contained the money required to buy his favourite PlayStation game. His girlfriend knew Peter had a thing for PlayStation, and she truly felt sorry for him.

Another success. As Peter showed his girlfriend his "genuine" feeling of grief on his face showed his girlfriend that he was in pain. He acted it quite well and accomplished his task of making her feel sympathy for him.

Chapter Four: Chances of success!

Gender plays a great role in using sympathy to manipulate the human mind. As the female brain consists of more emotion, they have a better chance to manipulate either the same sex, or the opposite. Some examples are:

* If attempting to manipulate a female using sympathy, there is a higher rate of success, as the female mind consists of more sympathetic feelings.
* As a male is a more of a un-sympathetic and a less caring figure, the chances of a male manipulating another male is slim, unless of course both males trust one another.
* The chances of females manipulating males are very high, as the female has the ability to bring up tactics that they can use to convince the males mind.

Chapter Five: The outcome!

A successful sympathetical human manipulation can result in many things, depending on the story given and the goal you want to reach. Lets see what Peter is going to do:

Our story: As Angelina felt the sympathy towards her boyfriend, she offered the idea of her buying the game for him. Peter declined, but he had already planned it out. The stubborness of Angelina got to the best of her, as Peter wanted it to, and they both went out and Angelina bought the PlayStation game Peter had wanted. Peter gave her a nice passionate kiss and resulted in a win-win conclusion.

So Peter knew about her girlfriend being stubborn, he used it against her, so used both sympathy and reverse psychology to succeed in his attempt to make his girlfriend buy him a game. So the outcome always changes according to what you choose it to be, but in the end, it was a well-played tactic of sympathy.


Sympathy: the ability to make others feel sorry for you. Using this in your life of manipulation is great, as the natural feeling of sympathy is a nasty tool. I hope you enjoyed reading my thread on understanding sympathy and using it as a tool for human manipulation. In a few days, I will post up my new Understanding Human Manipulation thread regarding the topic of empathy.


You were probably always wondering how hard tricking can be.Well it is not easy,and success rate will depend on many facts.Let me clarify you some key points of this.I am writing this from my own experience.I hope this will help you.

1)Gathering info about the person

Are you trying to trick someone from the internet?
Is that someone you know in your private life? Then you should know some data about him,you will need some social engineering,for example how he/she behaves,habbits,daily schedule,interests,anything that can be useful…even emotional chart…I am always using astrology as a support,but again this will be your choice,maybe you have some better methods….

2)How do people look at you

Here you have four options:

POPULAR – if people think that you are good and positive person in the surround,if they like you,help you,think that you are cool guy and so on,you will have better chances for tricking

MAN IN THE MIDDLE – it will depend what are you trying to do and who are you trying to trick,but you still have good chances if you prepare the terrain well

UNPOPULAR – you will have to try very hard cause people will say that they don’t give a f*ck about your opinion…Very patient social engineering and masking into “ideal match” can help you,but you will need a long time

WEIRD(FREAK) – if people are saying that for you,you have the least chances.Instead of that,help them few times,be there for them if nobody is…be very patient and they will see that you are not freak…And after few months,trick the person like nobody ever would. Hehe

3) Defining your goals

What is your ultimate goal?If you are trying to trick college professor about something from his subject,you are screwed in the start.But if you are trying to trick some gullible child to lend you money that you won’t return,this is 80% scoring rate,if you understand me.

4)Defining weak spots

We are human,everybody has a weak spot or weak spots,we are all vulnerable to something.If you find out your slave’s vulnerability,it will be easier to trick him.
For example,if someone doesn’t like his secrets in public,you can tell him that you will tell his secrets unless he…
Or if someone doesn’t like gays,you can threaten that you will give his number to gaychat website…So many options…

5) Which type of personality are you trying to trick?

This part depends on your slave.Which is type of his/her personality?

GULLIBLE – this is the easiest,just say something that looks persuasively and this person will enter the trap…the best option here are fake promises – example :
We will go to the cinema tonight if you…

STUPID – Not particulary hard,but you will to hit the spot your slave likes
I will give you something that my friend(she) did to “the hottest guy in the college”:
He told her that she is a whore 4 months ago.We went skiing and he forgot what he did,and she got close to him,even kissed him…and than she told him that she wants to have sex with him.Of course,he ran like a moron…And when they entered the room,she told me and few of our friends to wait in front of the room,cause she is planning something very mean.
When he striped his shorts,she opened the door and told him:”Your dick is too small for my needs.GTFO from this room.By the way,I think that you know who is little whore now.”Of course we were outside and laughed like never in our lives. Hehe He wasn’t thinking about beating her,cause she is a kung-fu master and K1 fighter…

OUTGOING – this will be sometimes hard,because,nevermind if these people are like books with open pages,they are not always stupid or gullible…
Example : Can we go to drink some beer tonight? Yes,of course…
You won’t appear…of course there are many other options but these people are not always easy target.

SHY – if you don’t have their trust or if you see them for the first time,don’t expect too much…you will need some time to earn their trust and then you can try

HELPFUL – if you cause pitty in their eyes,tricking is easy
Example: I don’t have any money,please give me some....Help me please,my GF/BF will leave me if I don’t…and I love him/her…

SKEPTIC – if you cannot provide strong evidences that you are not lying and that you are not some troll or scammer,better don’t try,this argument will last for ages

PARANOID – depends of paranoia type,but generally these people will always feel fear of your actions,they will always afraid that something will not be as you told them.If you don’t succeed from first 5-10 attempts,better give up

ULTRAPARANOID – Unless this person trusts you 100% or with her life,your chances are zero…Only a lot of patience and master social engineering,but even this won’t help everytime

SOCIOPATHS – depends which type of disorder he/she has,it might try to help you.Get to know the disorder better and you will know your chances.Read this tutorial! It depends on disappearances,but sociopaths are harder type of disorders
For example,if someone has personality disorder with two persons inside one(Cliff and Jay),tell Cliff that Jay would like to do that…

LONERS – if they don’t like people in general,they will try to keep the distance from you.Unless you know how to get close to them,better don’t try.
If they need a friend or GF/BF desperately,pretend that you are a perfect friend and you will surely succeed.

DEAD FROM THE INSIDE – Beware of those people!They are having different view to everything,they don’t appreciate life,values,existence…all they want is to be dead or to die,so they really ain’t give a f*ck what will happen tomorrow…maybe they will help you,maybe they won’t;but you can’t trust them for sure


When you did all of the previous,it is time to try to trick someone.Better you prepare terrain,better you know the person,you will have better chances!Good luck!


I know this tutorial may be extremely boring to you,but believe me this might save your asses,so I STRONGLY RECOMMEND to read this very,very carefully.

1)Discover your personality
- Are you extro or introverted person?Extroverted persons are extremely open to the surround,having more friends,more fun,spending more time in company,having a lot of friends…Introverted persons are sometimes loners,usually having few friends,don’t trust people,don’t go out very often,closed as hell…this all depends of scales,I found some research where it has extroverting scales 1-20 and introverted scales 1-20
It goes this way:
1(authistic) - ... -10(introvert with friends)- ...-20(border value-not i or e)-...-30(extroverted with a lot of friends) -...- 40(maximum extroverted – talk to everybody about everything)
Find yourself here.
-Can you lie successfully?Of course you can.Believe in yourself.Stand in front of your mirror and tell 100 times per day:”I can do this”,”I can do that…”Close your eyes,focus on future happening and say 100 times with maximum focus:”I can do that!”
Where is your place on the scale?For example I am 5/40,so you judge on your own.
-Do you believe in your possibilities?If not you are more dangerous for your surround,people who are unaware of their possibilities might be very destructive,let me give you an example – my best friend(she),a kung fu master,was on skiing with me with our college.Her weight is 128lbs and she is 5’9” tall;and she argued with a guy who has 200lbs and 6’5” tall,he slapped her and she fel on the floor.After that she had beaten him up so hard that he had in the end two broken ribs,broken mandibula,a lot of bruises,almost broken nose and a lot of blood over the face…And she was always saying:”I afraid,I can’t…”,believe me those people are more dangerous than people who are aware of their possibilities.
2)Stand in front of a mirror and train your speech,look at your movements when you are lie occassionaly and look how much you deviate from standard schema I will present you here
HERE STARTS SCHEMA,PREPARE WELL,this is how 90% of people gets caught while lying…please don’t use this for evil purposes Hehe :
3)Look a person straight in the eyes and don’t lose eye contact at all costs.
4)Try to look relaxed,sit in your chair or whatever and place legs and arms in natural position,without making nervous simultaneous moves.Don’t shrug,just be relaxed as much as you can,don’t make sudden arms or legs movements.Place your hands next to your body and place your wrists on your quadriceps muscles or on your knees,palmar side of your hand should look straight to your knees or quadriceps,the best would be not to make moves with hands or legs at all if possible
5)don’t show any expressions on your face,cause if you say something and your gesture comes after that you are fucked up(police uses this technique while questioning),do not move your head,do not drop your view from their eyes
6)try not to show any emotion just look straight in their eyes,they will focus on your mouth,nose and cheeks;if these three don’t show anything,you have good chances
7)If you laugh,or smile,it should be ironic,pathetic or to seem like a crazy man laugh(like Freddy Krueger),they will say that this guy is crazy which suits you a lot if you repeat this multiple times;and pretend that you are calmed and never show that you are surprised,remember you are ready to everything
8)Never be defensive if they are accusing you of something,try to say something that will not convince them that you are defending in a panic attack
9)Do not change your current location,don’t try to go away,stay in your place and never forget that pathetic smile,and of course if he is touching you or something like that,you may freely say:”It is not your problem cause you are gay,but I am not,go to gayclub” or something similar
10)Never place anything between you and your “interlocutor”,I mean objects or any kind of suspicious behaviour like stay away or something like that,look his eyes,show no emotions and don’t forget patetic laugh,and always repeat inside yourself:”Who does he think he is?I am smarter than this moron,he won’t destroy my moral”
11)Never ask question when he makes a question as a form of repeating…If he says “I saw you”,don’t tell “You saw me?!”,better would be “It really isn’t my problem cause you are occuring vision problems.Are you thinking about visiting a doctor?”,and if you are stoned and looking one spot it might be suspicious as well,but you may simply look one spot and keep your mouth shut,and always use ironic laugh or not saying a damn word,this will be harder to recognize
12)Never use any believes in answers,answer always 100% directly,for example:”Are you sleeping with my girlfriend”,answer:”Already told you,no.”Do not ever improvise answers.And of course,if he keeps his mouth shut,use that time to think answers,not for talking…some people are breaking their fears through talk
13)The hardest part if he is asking you for explanation – you will need to think it in 1-2 seconds behing your answer…make sure it is good and your answer is not late
14)do not emphasize any word,talk quietly and very calmly,make sure that your grammar is correct,cause this can mean that you are “cutting your speech” cause your brain cannot think fast and this trick will also help him to catch you
15)do not make voice changes,do not lift head and eyes,especially eyeborrows in the end of an answer,this is very well known as a sign of suspicious behaviour
16)don’t talk about bad sides of other peoples,behave like you don’t give a f*ck about everything,never ask him is he believing you or not,hide this inside of yourself,pretend that you are interested if person is understanding you,pretend that you are 100% in this conversation,that “you are giving your best to help”
17)Projection – this is when someone speaks of something he did,and uses other persons to project his act – example:if you did something,you say:My brother did …DO NOT DO THAT ALL COSTS,simply say “I already told you I didn’t do that.It is not my problem cause your intelligence is so low,I may recommend you some books to increase it.”
18)Make sure that you ask questions that are related to the subject during the conversation and don’t forget to ask something out of thema,for example:”Have you slept with some girl last night?I heard loud screams from your house”.:hehe:Not only that will irritiate him,it will also make the job harder
19)If he changes subject,DO NOT SHOW RELIEF!Be the same,calm…never say “Why would I lie?”,instead of that “If you are not smart enough to see who is right,then something is not ok with your intelligence”.
20)Never give precise answers,answer only what he is asking you;and never ask questions that are providing more details about his info source,as I already said,you don’t give a f*ck about that,and never mention that you NEVER DID SOMETHING HE IS ACCUSING YOU OFF.
21)If you say “I don’t want you to think,I wouldn’t like to be thought that way,I am not going to ruin your emotions…” and similar stuff,this is epic fail…if he has brain,he will realize very quickly that chances of your “truth” are decreasing rapidly
22)Don’t offer alternative answers,never put pathetic smile off your face,if he says:”Why are you laughing?”,you may always say:”Because I am talking to someone who’s IQ is lower that wooden pole.”Smile may also mean that you are lying,but if it is pathetic and ironic enough,I highly doubt he will be that smart
23)This is very hard to mask – anxiety,faster pulse,sweating,deeper breath,harder swallowing(my worst nightmare problem),focusing level might fall if you are tired or frightened,there are some interruptions in conversation…If you mask this you are GODS AND PROFESSIONAL LIARS!
24)Dubious facts and answers are not proper option.Don’t you ever create moralizing about someone did something that you never would or…you know,this is calling personality spamming and this is very old trick in which you are trying to say that you are innocent,good person…As I already mention,look cold as ice and simple answers.
25)if you know what the person like,you may try triggering points…I will write a thread about that when I have some time,I am very tired now,but don’t worry you will be informed on time
26)try not to get caught in lying my friends cause if you are caught once you will always be suspicious…Happy lying!