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Sunday, August 26, 2012

How to make long distance relationship work

1. Regular Communication. With the likes of Skype and G-Chat we have finally reached theJetson era where you can actually talk to someone and see them — for free! If you are in a LDR, you must frequently take advantage of this, but it should not feel like a chore. It must be natural, with a yearning to hear from your beloved and share your experiences that occurred during the day. You can even have fun by sending random texts letting your beloved know just how special they are to you, or that you were thinking of them.
2. Have an End Date for the LDR. An LDR should not be indefinite… This can and will be trouble eventually. It’s best to know that the current situation is not permanent and there should be a goal in mind as to when the torture of the LDR will end and the two of you will be reunited in the same area code.
3. Plan Regular Visits. My suggestion is to not stay apart for more than 30 days. Each time you see each other, make sure you have already planned the next visit. It gives you both something to look forward to and prevents you from feeling that “this is the end” after each visit. More importantly, it keeps the relationship alive and keeps it from becoming an “imaginary relationship.”
4. Trust is King. This is a hard one because trust requires a vulnerable willingness and often takes time to develop. However, the truth of the matter is that you have no other option but to trust the person you’re with if you are going to choose to be in an LDR. Without this, an LDR is fruitless. To assist with this, communication is key. You must speak up when something is bothering you.
5. Beware. If you have a propensity for cheating, stay away from LDRs. In fact, stay away from dating for awhile and really work on this characteristic of yourself. Cheating is not cool.
6. Be Creative. Find ways to let your special someone know that they mean the world to you. Whether it is sending them a bouquet of flowers, a handwritten note or a care package, here’s your chance to make the weakness of distance a strength and capitalize on being romantic.

Do and Don't in Flirting

5 Do’s in Flirting

1. Smile. Nothing lets a person know you’re picking up what they’re putting down better than a smile. If you’re happy, he’s happy!
2. Make eye contact. Making and maintaining eye contact shows a guy you’re focused, confident, and interested in what he is saying and doing. The eyes tell all.
3. Flatter. There’s no clearer indication that you have a romantic interest in someone than a compliment.
4. Take charge. Take the conversation where you want it to go. If you expect him to call, give him your number. If you want to call him, ask for his.
5. Act gracefully. If he’s unavailable or uninterested, maintain your poise and just pretend you never started flirting in the first place.

5 Don’ts in Flirting

1. Don’t make it too obvious. Be subtle, but get your point across. You don’t have to be over-the-top; subtle indications are the most effective way to let him know that you’re attracted and interested.
2. Don’t stare. It’s important to let the person know you’re interested, but it’s equally important not to make him uncomfortable.
3. Don’t overdo it. A simple compliment will advance your efforts much further than a fabricated pickup line.
4. Don’t flirt with others simultaneously. It will confuse a man and bewilder him if you’re flirting with him and others at the same time. Keep your eyes on the prize.
5. Don’t feign interest. For men, flirting is often realized in hindsight. If you flirt and then act uninterested, he won’t pursue you. Keep your signals consistent.

4 Types of Compliments Women Can’t Resist

“I could talk to you all night long.”

As you will find with many of the compliments listed here, we’re focusing on the values of a woman — what the female deems important and flattering. Any man who has ever had even the slightest contact with the fairer sex knows that women place a high value on communication. Hence, after talking to her for a while, you need to drop the compliment that not only flatters but also excites. These are the types of compliments women can’t resist. Say it with a distinct tone of pleased surprise: “Wow, I could talk to you all night long!” Obviously, this only works if the two of you have already established a well-paced, comfortable discussion, but it’s perfect if this situation presents itself. During such a great conversation, you will be expected to provide a compliment, and there’s nothing better than this solid standby.

“I like the way your mind works.”

Many women have come to expect the “Hey, you’re really smart!” comment, and these tips here are created to set you apart. Therefore, you need to take the next step that not only proves you listen, but that you’re also impressed with her mind in general. Now, despite what you may think, this compliment is not conditional; it’s not reliant on her actual intelligence. Such a comment as this can follow any remark of hers that represents a slight twist on the current subject or simply casts the subject in a new light. Something small, like an ironic observation constructed to make you smile or laugh, and you’re primed and ready to deliver the appropriate comment. She likely won’t even expect it as she wasn’t trying to impress you, and the key to any woman’s heart is an unexpected gift.

“You look fantastic.”

Most men who don’t fit the “metrosexual” label get up, locate whatever is clean and put it on. On the flip side, most women spend plenty of time selecting each piece of an outfit, which is highly dependent on multiple factors. Therefore, rather than trying the tired “That’s a beautiful dress,” you can tweak it for the sake of freshness by generalizing and summing up the entire ensemble: “You look fantastic.” Make sure you comment on the fact that her earrings are a good selection and match her top, or perhaps you can notice that her shoes are the “perfect choice.” These are compliments women can’t resist because most females put a tremendous amount of emphasis on their ability to pick out fantastic outfits. It’s not so much about how they look, it’s about her skill in bringing out her most attractive features.

“You’re definitely the hottest of your group.”

Although women tend to travel in groups at nightclubs and bars for general moral support and protection, don’t think for one solitary second that they’re not silently competing against one another. Perhaps they’re not literally clawing each other’s eyes out over one particular guy, but when you go out of your way to place her above her peers, she’ll lap it up like a starving kitten at a saucer of fresh milk. Many men don’t realize that women compare themselves to their friends far more often than guys do, which means such a compliment elevates the girl’s self-esteem. It’s not so much about her own vision of herself; it’s in how she appears to others, and when a man says “You’re definitely the hottest of your group,” she suddenly feels as if she has the physical edge. She won’t be overlooked when the night is over. She’ll be the one beating the guys off with a stick.

5 types of online daters to watch out for

The One Who Insists Too Much

  • Nickname: The Pusher
  • You’ll know them by: The prickly way they seem to make you feel.
  • Things you’ll hear them say: “Forget this blind email system, what is your phone number?”

    The One Who Complains About the Opposite Sex

  • Nickname: Whiner
  • You’ll know them by: How quickly it takes you to look at your watch when you meet them.
  • Things you’ll hear them say: “Nice guys don’t exist” or “Women are just game players.”

The One Addicted To Internet Dating

  • Nickname: Online Aficionado
  • You’ll know them by: Their vast knowledge of every single online dating site known to man.
  • Things you’ll hear them say: “I just switched sites again because there were no good people on the other five I’ve tried.”The One Who Thinks You’re Instantly “The One”
  • Nickname: Nuptials Nut
  • You’ll know them by: The way they’ll make you suddenly consider joining a convent.
  • Things you’ll hear them say: “I can’t wait to tell our grandchildren we met on the Internet!”

The Slippery One

  • Nickname: Cagey Creep
  • You’ll know them by: The fact that you’ve dated them for a year and still don’t know their last name.
  • Things you’ll hear them say: “You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me. But no, you can’t have my home phone number. Call my cell if you need me.”

10 Dating mistakes you should avoid

  1. Make it all about you. One of the fastest ways to turn off a guy is to rattle on about your day, your friends, your family — all without asking him a single question. Go for a conversation, not a monologue, and leave room for him to listen and respond.
  2. Make it all about him. It shouldn’t be a one-sided interrogation, either. Steer clear of 20 Questions so that he doesn’t feel like he’s in the hot seat.
  3. Scan the room. If you’re constantly surveying your surroundings, he’s going to feel like he’s not good enough — and that you’re not worth the time. Maintain eye contact to show your interest and let him know that you care about what he has to say.
  4. Say you’re a “guy’s girl.” Bragging that you’re just one of the guys will make him think that you can’t get along with other girls. (Talk about a red flag.) Step back and see what you’re really trying to express, whether it’s your love for sports or your low-key attitude.
  5. Chug your drinks. It’s fine to sip your drink throughout the interaction, but if you’re looking for lasting love, avoid any top-to-bottom swigs. Drinking heavily can send the wrong signal and you’re likely to ruin your conversation skills.
  6. Bring up your ex. It may seem like a no-brainer, but any mention of your previous boyfriend(s) is sure to send him running for the hills — or the bar. There’s no need to swap ex stories right away, so do yourself a favor and focus on the present.
  7. Repeatedly insist on paying. Offering to pick up the tab is nice once, maybe twice, but after that, it starts to seem rude. Allow him to pay and volunteer a polite thanks to preserve his ego.
  8. Laugh a lot. A laugh here and there shows that you have an upbeat, positive attitude. Nonstop giggling through all your sentences? It’s a bit much. Relax and be yourself.
  9. Vent about work. Every job has its stresses, but that doesn’t mean you need to share them. Announcing your work-related worries to someone you’ve just met is a surefire way to nix the potential, so emphasize the positive or switch topics instead.
  10. List your accomplishments. You may think you’re just describing your past, but sharing all your greatest achievements can come across as boastful. Nobody likes to feel like you’re trying to one-up them, so go ahead and convey your expertise, but counter those comments with thoughtful, curious questions about his abilities.