How to prevent yourself from being manipulated
Psychological manipulation is a type of social influence that aims to change the perception or behavior of others through underhanded, deceptive, or even abusive tactics. By advancing the interests of the manipulator, often at the other's expense, such methods could be considered exploitative, abusive, devious, and deceptive.
I had bad experiences when I was in high and elementary school, I was naïve,trusted everybody, opened to everybody though they didn’t deserve it. I was a slave. I am writing this in order to help you never become a slave and in order to help yourself. My problem is cause I turned myself into manipulator and predator now, so I can understand both side of brains. The truth is that till you feel it on your own skin, you will have hard time to understand what am I talking about. But lets start with this great tutorial.
First of all you will have to understand manipulators brain and habbits.
In most cases, manipulators are having some kind of disorders. Mostly these are psychopaths or sociopaths, they don’t feel guilty, empathy, responsibility or sorry for what they do. They don’t have good value system, cause their brain only registers suffering and pain as primarily source of their motives. They are mostly extremely well masked from the outside, and if you would have seen that person in the street, you would have said that it is normal, social, friendly person. They will offer help, try to talk to you, try to initiate and locate your weak spots. That is not a problem, but once they lock your weak spots, you will never get out without serious mental injury, unless you don’t have any feelings to that person or that person means nothing to you, which makes influence impossible.IN MOST CASES THESE PERSONS ARE VERY INTELLIGENT OR GENIUS!
Some psychopaths are opportunistic, aggressive predators who will take advantage of almost anyone they meet, while others are more patient, waiting for the perfect, innocent slave to cross their path. In each case, the psychopath is constantly sizing up the potential usefulness of an individual as a source of money, power, sex or influence. Some psychopaths enjoy a challenge while others prey on people who are vulnerable. During the assessment phase, the psychopath is able to determine a potential slave’s weak points and will use those weak points to seduce.
Psychopaths or manipulators are creating their fake person or mask. They are adjusting it according to their target. They can lie without any problems, but they will tell the truth only if that will help them to get what they want. They are assessing the slave’s brain and looking for a weak spot. In mostly cases, they will attack the thing slave is trying to hide from the public eye. Some private stuff, or some secrets. They are watching slave’s movements, gesture, habbits, and especially slave’s speech and staff that shouldn’t be told in public, or secrets.
Psychopath doesn’t posses a personality, everything is mostly based on lies and fake trust. That mask is made to fit into the slave’s views and value system. Sometimes they are that good that slave thinks they are perfect match. They want mutual respect or trust, but there is no honesty from their side, only huge spectar of different, extremely well connected lies. They will never confess to you that you mean nothing to them.
The abandonment phase begins when the psychopath decides that his or her slave is no longer useful. The psychopath abandons his or her slave and moves on to someone else. In the case of romantic relationships, a psychopath will usually seal a relationship with their next target before abandoning his or her current slave. Sometimes, the psychopath has three individuals on whom he or she is running game: the one who has been recently abandoned, who is being toyed with and kept in the picture in case the other two do not work out; the one who is currently being played and is about to be abandoned; and the third, who is being groomed by the psychopath, in anticipation of abandoning the current "mark". Abandonment can happen quickly and can occur without the current slave knowing that the psychopath was looking for someone new. There will be no apologies, or at least no sincere apologies, for the hurt and pain the psychopath causes, because psychopaths do not appreciate these emotions.
Lying - it is very hard to say, unless you are professional, is someone lying to you or telling you the truth.
Example: Girlfriend is manipulator and psychopath. She only feels need to use persons in order to have fun and be driven in a great car. She is telling her boyfriend that he is cute, nice, communicative, good fucker and so on… but the truth is that he only has a great car and a lot of money.
Lying with omission - form of lying by withholding a significant amount of the truth
Example: You want to sell something. You will say the true features of your product, but in the end you will add something that will intrigate people to test specially your product.
Denial – manipulator refuses to confess that he/she did something wrong.
Example: Girl hurt your feelings by meeting avoidance. She is telling that she knows that she didn’t hurt your feelings, and she will never change her opinion.
Rationalization - an excuse made by the manipulator for inappropriate behavior
Example: Your friend stole something from you. He is telling that he did that in order to stop the police finding drugs in your pocket.
Minimization - The manipulator asserts that his or her behavior is not as harmful or irresponsible as someone else was suggesting, for example saying that a taunt or insult was only a joke.
Example: Someone is telling you that you are a moron and constantly attacks your personality in the crowd. Once you two are alone, he/she is saying that it was only a joke, hugs you, gives you compliments or tells that you shouldn’t be so nervous about that, friends are joking.
Selective inattention or selective attention - Manipulator refuses to pay attention to anything that may distract from his or her agenda, saying things like "I don't want to hear it"
Example: You are saying to manipulator that you are sure about his evil occasions. He says that he doesn’t want to hear it from a person which is on lower level of evolution, and talks to friends after that that you are a moron and that they should follow him.
Diversion – Manipulator is not giving a straight answer to your question, he goes constantly on different topic.
Example: One girl from my taekwondo club constantly attacks me that I am bad person and always tries to make me dumb. In the middle of the conversation, I tell her that I know that she has very sexipile, hot, wild- looking ass. She doesn’t know what to say further.
Evasion – similar to diversion, but giving irrelevant,rambling answer
Example: Same situation, just I say that I couldn’t be so bad when her ass looks so wild. Actually, her ass is lot more evil than my brain.
Covert intimidation – Manipulator throwing the slave onto the defensive by using veiled (subtle, indirect or implied) threats.
Example: Somebody knows that your occasions are evil. You tell him that you will teach him a lesson by talking to his family, and that you know he is smoking weed and have video proof for that.
Guilt tripping - A manipulator suggests to the conscientious slave that he or she does not care enough, is too selfish or has it easy. This usually results in the slave feeling bad, keeping them in a self-doubting, anxious and submissive position.
Example: You want to manipulate some money from your friend. He says that he has, but he needs it. You are saying that he is so selfish and cruel, your family doesn’t have currently any money, you are hungry and unhappy…
Shaming - Manipulator uses sarcasm and put-downs to increase fear and self-doubt in the slave
Example: You don’t want to give the thing to the female manipulator. She is saying that she will tell everybody that you are ougly, fat, don’t smell nice, have bad habbits or that she will blow your secrets in public.
Playing the slave role ("poor me") - Manipulator portrays him- or herself as a slave of circumstance or of someone else's behavior in order to gain pity, sympathy or evoke compassion and thereby get something from another.
Example: You won’t give money to your “friend”. He is telling that he should feed some members of his family, working all night, don’t have enough time, he is unhappy all the time cause he battles constantly… You will feel sorry for him and give him money.
Vilifying the slave - Putting the slave on the defensive while simultaneously masking the aggressive intent of the manipulator
Example: Easily telling the slave stuff she wants to hear, gradually putting her in position from attacking to defensive. You will need to be master of strategy for this.
Playing the servant role - Cloaking a self-serving agenda in guise of a service to a more noble cause, for example saying he is acting in a certain way for "obedience" and "service" to God or a similar authority figure.
Example: Your manipulator wants something from you. He is pretending that he serves and helps you about everything till get what he needs, after that just go away.
Seduction - Manipulator uses charm, praise, flattery or overtly supporting others in order to get them to lower their defenses and give their trust and loyalty to him or her.
Example: You want to manipulate a female. You are telling her that she is cute, having great emotions, feelings, great body, charm, look…
Projecting the blame (blaming others) - Manipulator scapegoats in often subtle, hard to detect ways.
Example: Manipulator is blaming you silently in the circle of your friends, by thinking some small traps, which will lead slowly to increasing his respect and decreasing yours. This method usually takes too much time and is rarely been used.
Feigning innocence - Manipulator tries to suggest that any harm done was unintentional or did not do something that they were accused of. Manipulator may put on a look of surprise or indignation. This tactic makes the slave question his or her own judgment and possibly his own sanity.
Example: Somebody stole something, you don’t have any video proofs and all evidences are indirect. He puts a surprising look on his face and tries to keep that face expression till questioning lasts.
Feigning confusion - Manipulator tries to play dumb by pretending he or she does not know what you are talking about or is confused about an important issue brought to his attention.
Example: You broke manipulator’s cover. You are accusing him, and he is telling that he cannot understand a single word, asking stupid questions frequently. Easiest method for detection.
Brandishing anger - Manipulator uses anger to brandish sufficient emotional intensity and rage to shock the slave into submission. The manipulator is not actually angry, he or she just puts on an act. He just wants what he wants and gets "angry" when denied.
Example: Manipulator did something and you are accusing him. He is “angry” because you are doing that to him and argues with you by simulating anger attacks.
Psychological manipulation is a type of social influence that aims to change the perception or behavior of others through underhanded, deceptive, or even abusive tactics. By advancing the interests of the manipulator, often at the other's expense, such methods could be considered exploitative, abusive, devious, and deceptive.
I had bad experiences when I was in high and elementary school, I was naïve,trusted everybody, opened to everybody though they didn’t deserve it. I was a slave. I am writing this in order to help you never become a slave and in order to help yourself. My problem is cause I turned myself into manipulator and predator now, so I can understand both side of brains. The truth is that till you feel it on your own skin, you will have hard time to understand what am I talking about. But lets start with this great tutorial.
First of all you will have to understand manipulators brain and habbits.
In most cases, manipulators are having some kind of disorders. Mostly these are psychopaths or sociopaths, they don’t feel guilty, empathy, responsibility or sorry for what they do. They don’t have good value system, cause their brain only registers suffering and pain as primarily source of their motives. They are mostly extremely well masked from the outside, and if you would have seen that person in the street, you would have said that it is normal, social, friendly person. They will offer help, try to talk to you, try to initiate and locate your weak spots. That is not a problem, but once they lock your weak spots, you will never get out without serious mental injury, unless you don’t have any feelings to that person or that person means nothing to you, which makes influence impossible.IN MOST CASES THESE PERSONS ARE VERY INTELLIGENT OR GENIUS!
Some psychopaths are opportunistic, aggressive predators who will take advantage of almost anyone they meet, while others are more patient, waiting for the perfect, innocent slave to cross their path. In each case, the psychopath is constantly sizing up the potential usefulness of an individual as a source of money, power, sex or influence. Some psychopaths enjoy a challenge while others prey on people who are vulnerable. During the assessment phase, the psychopath is able to determine a potential slave’s weak points and will use those weak points to seduce.
Psychopaths or manipulators are creating their fake person or mask. They are adjusting it according to their target. They can lie without any problems, but they will tell the truth only if that will help them to get what they want. They are assessing the slave’s brain and looking for a weak spot. In mostly cases, they will attack the thing slave is trying to hide from the public eye. Some private stuff, or some secrets. They are watching slave’s movements, gesture, habbits, and especially slave’s speech and staff that shouldn’t be told in public, or secrets.
Psychopath doesn’t posses a personality, everything is mostly based on lies and fake trust. That mask is made to fit into the slave’s views and value system. Sometimes they are that good that slave thinks they are perfect match. They want mutual respect or trust, but there is no honesty from their side, only huge spectar of different, extremely well connected lies. They will never confess to you that you mean nothing to them.
The abandonment phase begins when the psychopath decides that his or her slave is no longer useful. The psychopath abandons his or her slave and moves on to someone else. In the case of romantic relationships, a psychopath will usually seal a relationship with their next target before abandoning his or her current slave. Sometimes, the psychopath has three individuals on whom he or she is running game: the one who has been recently abandoned, who is being toyed with and kept in the picture in case the other two do not work out; the one who is currently being played and is about to be abandoned; and the third, who is being groomed by the psychopath, in anticipation of abandoning the current "mark". Abandonment can happen quickly and can occur without the current slave knowing that the psychopath was looking for someone new. There will be no apologies, or at least no sincere apologies, for the hurt and pain the psychopath causes, because psychopaths do not appreciate these emotions.
Lying - it is very hard to say, unless you are professional, is someone lying to you or telling you the truth.
Example: Girlfriend is manipulator and psychopath. She only feels need to use persons in order to have fun and be driven in a great car. She is telling her boyfriend that he is cute, nice, communicative, good fucker and so on… but the truth is that he only has a great car and a lot of money.
Lying with omission - form of lying by withholding a significant amount of the truth
Example: You want to sell something. You will say the true features of your product, but in the end you will add something that will intrigate people to test specially your product.
Denial – manipulator refuses to confess that he/she did something wrong.
Example: Girl hurt your feelings by meeting avoidance. She is telling that she knows that she didn’t hurt your feelings, and she will never change her opinion.
Rationalization - an excuse made by the manipulator for inappropriate behavior
Example: Your friend stole something from you. He is telling that he did that in order to stop the police finding drugs in your pocket.
Minimization - The manipulator asserts that his or her behavior is not as harmful or irresponsible as someone else was suggesting, for example saying that a taunt or insult was only a joke.
Example: Someone is telling you that you are a moron and constantly attacks your personality in the crowd. Once you two are alone, he/she is saying that it was only a joke, hugs you, gives you compliments or tells that you shouldn’t be so nervous about that, friends are joking.
Selective inattention or selective attention - Manipulator refuses to pay attention to anything that may distract from his or her agenda, saying things like "I don't want to hear it"
Example: You are saying to manipulator that you are sure about his evil occasions. He says that he doesn’t want to hear it from a person which is on lower level of evolution, and talks to friends after that that you are a moron and that they should follow him.
Diversion – Manipulator is not giving a straight answer to your question, he goes constantly on different topic.
Example: One girl from my taekwondo club constantly attacks me that I am bad person and always tries to make me dumb. In the middle of the conversation, I tell her that I know that she has very sexipile, hot, wild- looking ass. She doesn’t know what to say further.
Evasion – similar to diversion, but giving irrelevant,rambling answer
Example: Same situation, just I say that I couldn’t be so bad when her ass looks so wild. Actually, her ass is lot more evil than my brain.
Covert intimidation – Manipulator throwing the slave onto the defensive by using veiled (subtle, indirect or implied) threats.
Example: Somebody knows that your occasions are evil. You tell him that you will teach him a lesson by talking to his family, and that you know he is smoking weed and have video proof for that.
Guilt tripping - A manipulator suggests to the conscientious slave that he or she does not care enough, is too selfish or has it easy. This usually results in the slave feeling bad, keeping them in a self-doubting, anxious and submissive position.
Example: You want to manipulate some money from your friend. He says that he has, but he needs it. You are saying that he is so selfish and cruel, your family doesn’t have currently any money, you are hungry and unhappy…
Shaming - Manipulator uses sarcasm and put-downs to increase fear and self-doubt in the slave
Example: You don’t want to give the thing to the female manipulator. She is saying that she will tell everybody that you are ougly, fat, don’t smell nice, have bad habbits or that she will blow your secrets in public.
Playing the slave role ("poor me") - Manipulator portrays him- or herself as a slave of circumstance or of someone else's behavior in order to gain pity, sympathy or evoke compassion and thereby get something from another.
Example: You won’t give money to your “friend”. He is telling that he should feed some members of his family, working all night, don’t have enough time, he is unhappy all the time cause he battles constantly… You will feel sorry for him and give him money.
Vilifying the slave - Putting the slave on the defensive while simultaneously masking the aggressive intent of the manipulator
Example: Easily telling the slave stuff she wants to hear, gradually putting her in position from attacking to defensive. You will need to be master of strategy for this.
Playing the servant role - Cloaking a self-serving agenda in guise of a service to a more noble cause, for example saying he is acting in a certain way for "obedience" and "service" to God or a similar authority figure.
Example: Your manipulator wants something from you. He is pretending that he serves and helps you about everything till get what he needs, after that just go away.
Seduction - Manipulator uses charm, praise, flattery or overtly supporting others in order to get them to lower their defenses and give their trust and loyalty to him or her.
Example: You want to manipulate a female. You are telling her that she is cute, having great emotions, feelings, great body, charm, look…
Projecting the blame (blaming others) - Manipulator scapegoats in often subtle, hard to detect ways.
Example: Manipulator is blaming you silently in the circle of your friends, by thinking some small traps, which will lead slowly to increasing his respect and decreasing yours. This method usually takes too much time and is rarely been used.
Feigning innocence - Manipulator tries to suggest that any harm done was unintentional or did not do something that they were accused of. Manipulator may put on a look of surprise or indignation. This tactic makes the slave question his or her own judgment and possibly his own sanity.
Example: Somebody stole something, you don’t have any video proofs and all evidences are indirect. He puts a surprising look on his face and tries to keep that face expression till questioning lasts.
Feigning confusion - Manipulator tries to play dumb by pretending he or she does not know what you are talking about or is confused about an important issue brought to his attention.
Example: You broke manipulator’s cover. You are accusing him, and he is telling that he cannot understand a single word, asking stupid questions frequently. Easiest method for detection.
Brandishing anger - Manipulator uses anger to brandish sufficient emotional intensity and rage to shock the slave into submission. The manipulator is not actually angry, he or she just puts on an act. He just wants what he wants and gets "angry" when denied.
Example: Manipulator did something and you are accusing him. He is “angry” because you are doing that to him and argues with you by simulating anger attacks.
Being overly Complimented- That looks very suspicious because they are probably trying to charm you and gain your trust, or they are trying to manipulate you.There is no third option in most cases so my advice is to be warn.
Mixed Signals- Although this is VERY difficult to notice towards manipulation, NewManipulators will have mixed reactions during their manipulating. They will act one way, then another.They will not always stay calm and talk the same story,it will not lead to perfection once it is told. This is more in males then females, since females also have the hormonal reasons.
New Feelings- if someone disliked you and he changes himself to you over night,this could mean three stuff: you gained their trust, they want to be more friendly with you and realized their mistake, or they are trying to manipulate you. Be warn!
Mixed Stories- As stated above, one tactic is lying. If their story begins to fall apart, it could be one of two things:
a) They are manipulating, and messing up.
b) Genuinely interested in being closer friends, so they are trying to impress you.
Paranoia will protect you- Paranoia can be summed up as questioning you on who you are, digging for random info. This is making sure you are who you say you are. If you are paranoid, you will have more chances to avoid manipulation, cause they will say that you are not completely normal and continue looking for a next slave.
Secret-Sharing- If someone tries to get secrets, or offers you one in-exchange, be wary, its a classic technique of false-bait. Just be careful. You must know what are you telling to whom. If you are not sure, you can keep your mouth shut or give fake random info, just make sure to remember your fake info and stories.
Won't allow you to add IRL contacts- This can apply to facebook/myspace/email/phone etc. They give you one that seems "fake" or "small."
Anger- When they ask for something from you, and you say no, or you literally cant, they spaz out, or get upset. This can either be Severe Emotional Distortion or they are not getting what they want.
Skepticism – Suspicion can also decrease their attention, cause if they think that you are very suspicious person, they will probably skip you and go further, cause they don’t like to waste their time in most cases.
Personal info hiding – if you don’t give manipulator personal info, he will get bored in the end, believe me I know that from my own experience.
Screwing around – if you make a joke of everything he says, he will probably think that you are crazy because you don’t want to “communicate normally”.
Constant diversion – if he says something, make sure to skip on other subject immediately and never answer questions completely. These people are almost impossible to trick.
Asking frequent questions – always ask another question for your question, make sure to make him explain you every single step. If he is trying to avoid explanations, this can mean that you made him bored or he gave up. However, use this technique only if you doubt, not every single time.
Talk about him – Do not let them talk only about you. Make them talk about them, who they are, what are they doing… they mostly dislike personal questions and lots of explanations, make sure to ask the same question twice or even 3-5 times, will you get the same answer?
Build your own Chinese wall – be warn and that’s it, nothing else. Harder to reach you, less chances to hurt you.
Don’t show emotions – if he is trying to irritiate you or hurt your feelings by jokes, never show that this hurts you. If you don’t show, he won’t think that he is interesting.
Think twice – never do anything on first look, at least think about the situation.
Predator will not attack predator – if they think that you are dangerous or not good target for manipulation, they will not attack you, believe me they are choosing their targets very carefully. Or if you know to fight well, like me, they will never try to fight with you, or they will try till getting beaten for the first time.
Hope this helps you. If I remember something more, I will add. Thanks!
Being overly Complimented- That looks very suspicious because they are probably trying to charm you and gain your trust, or they are trying to manipulate you.There is no third option in most cases so my advice is to be warn.
Mixed Signals- Although this is VERY difficult to notice towards manipulation, NewManipulators will have mixed reactions during their manipulating. They will act one way, then another.They will not always stay calm and talk the same story,it will not lead to perfection once it is told. This is more in males then females, since females also have the hormonal reasons.
New Feelings- if someone disliked you and he changes himself to you over night,this could mean three stuff: you gained their trust, they want to be more friendly with you and realized their mistake, or they are trying to manipulate you. Be warn!
Mixed Stories- As stated above, one tactic is lying. If their story begins to fall apart, it could be one of two things:
a) They are manipulating, and messing up.
b) Genuinely interested in being closer friends, so they are trying to impress you.
Paranoia will protect you- Paranoia can be summed up as questioning you on who you are, digging for random info. This is making sure you are who you say you are. If you are paranoid, you will have more chances to avoid manipulation, cause they will say that you are not completely normal and continue looking for a next slave.
Secret-Sharing- If someone tries to get secrets, or offers you one in-exchange, be wary, its a classic technique of false-bait. Just be careful. You must know what are you telling to whom. If you are not sure, you can keep your mouth shut or give fake random info, just make sure to remember your fake info and stories.
Won't allow you to add IRL contacts- This can apply to facebook/myspace/email/phone etc. They give you one that seems "fake" or "small."
Anger- When they ask for something from you, and you say no, or you literally cant, they spaz out, or get upset. This can either be Severe Emotional Distortion or they are not getting what they want.
Skepticism – Suspicion can also decrease their attention, cause if they think that you are very suspicious person, they will probably skip you and go further, cause they don’t like to waste their time in most cases.
Personal info hiding – if you don’t give manipulator personal info, he will get bored in the end, believe me I know that from my own experience.
Screwing around – if you make a joke of everything he says, he will probably think that you are crazy because you don’t want to “communicate normally”.
Constant diversion – if he says something, make sure to skip on other subject immediately and never answer questions completely. These people are almost impossible to trick.
Asking frequent questions – always ask another question for your question, make sure to make him explain you every single step. If he is trying to avoid explanations, this can mean that you made him bored or he gave up. However, use this technique only if you doubt, not every single time.
Talk about him – Do not let them talk only about you. Make them talk about them, who they are, what are they doing… they mostly dislike personal questions and lots of explanations, make sure to ask the same question twice or even 3-5 times, will you get the same answer?
Build your own Chinese wall – be warn and that’s it, nothing else. Harder to reach you, less chances to hurt you.
Don’t show emotions – if he is trying to irritiate you or hurt your feelings by jokes, never show that this hurts you. If you don’t show, he won’t think that he is interesting.
Think twice – never do anything on first look, at least think about the situation.
Predator will not attack predator – if they think that you are dangerous or not good target for manipulation, they will not attack you, believe me they are choosing their targets very carefully. Or if you know to fight well, like me, they will never try to fight with you, or they will try till getting beaten for the first time.
Hope this helps you. If I remember something more, I will add. Thanks!
• too trusting - people who are honest often assume that everyone else is honest. They commit themselves to people they hardly know without checking credentials, etc. They rarely question so-called experts.
Example: Somebody tells you that he needs money. You believe everything he said without checking anything or asking for conformation.
• too altruistic - the opposite of psychopathic; too honest, too fair, too empathetic
Example: Someone is very honest in society, talks everything about him, his hobbies, views to the world, interests, and psychopaths are using this as a manipulation spots in the beginning.
• too impressionable - overly seduced by charmers. For example, they might vote for the phony politician who kisses babies.
Example: You are delighted and charmed with the girls look. You cannot see that she is a manipulator and dangerous girl cause you are impressed with her outer look.
• too naïve - cannot believe there are dishonest people in the world or if there were they would not be allowed to operate.
Example: You refuse to believe that your friend scammed you cause you “are sure that he would never do this to you” and think that he is great friend.
• too masochistic - lack of self-respect and unconsciously let psychopaths take advantage of them. They think they deserve it out of a sense of guilt.
Example: Something bad happened to you. You expect punishment for what you did and you ain’t give a fuck what will happen, and this leaves you open for frauds.
• too narcissistic - narcissists are prone to falling for unmerited flattery.
Example: You love your look most of all in the world. A girl gets close to you and starts to flirt and flatter you, gives you compliments… You will not see her real occassions because flattering and compliments are making you happy.
• too greedy - the greedy and dishonest may fall prey to a psychopath who can easily entice them to act in an immoral way.
Example: You are jealous at somebody. You would do everything to take a revenge. You are very easy target for some psycho to make you do immoral acts.
• too immature - has impaired judgment and believes the exaggerated advertising claims.
Example: You have probably heard of people who are not mentally old as physically. Their judgements and believes are developing slower, and they are probably few ages behind their generation. They are not necessary stupid, sometimes they are just having biological reasons for that, but they are very easy target for manipulation.
• too materialistic - easy prey for loan sharks or get-rich-quick schemes
Example: Someone offers you 100$. You don’t want to know what you should do, don’t ask for payment in advance…
• too dependent - dependent people need to be loved and are therefore gullible and liable to say yes to something to which they should say no.
Example: You are dependent from your family. However, you believe that your girl will do the same for you just like your family. This leaves you vulnerable.
• too lonely - lonely people may accept any offer of human contact. A psychopathic stranger may offer human companionship for a price.
Example: Lonely wolves are usually very intelligent people who cannot interact into the society. If you are lonely, and you need contact and friendship, how can you guarantee that stranger is not psychopath?
• too impulsive - make snap decisions about, for example, what to buy or whom to marry without consulting others.
Example: You earned your salary. You argue with your girlfriend and you want to buy something that will irritiate her, and you ain’t give a fuck how will you breach this thing. You are vulnerable.
• too frugal - cannot say no to a bargain even if they know the reason why it is so cheap
Example: You find on market stuffs that cost ten times less than normal prize. Will you suspect that these goods might be stolen?
• the elderly - the elderly can become fatigued and less capable of multi-tasking. When hearing a sales pitch they are less likely to consider that it could be a con. They are prone to giving money to someone with a hard-luck story.
Example: You have probably heard of young women marrying oldmen. They are “really inlove with” their stink, bad habbits, way of living… NO, WAIT A MINUTE, IT IS THEIR MONEY!
- hot chick fucks with old man or mature man, and they are having great car and fortune
- a girl is trying to kiss you in front of whole class without previous talk person to person… not necessarily has to mean, but it is suspicious
- girl is flirting with you in front of whole class, and she was bad to you at the first time
- your “friends” found a girlfriend for you, and they will lead you to introduce her
- a person that is not your friend comes up with the story that some girl is horny on you, and you don’t know him or her well
- Nigerian scam, search wikipedia for this, it is very well known type of scam
- Someone constantly denies to see you in person
- Someone always delays seeing with you
- Girlfriend becomes very closed and shy to you, and at the first time your relationship was great
- Relationship – girl always breaks up and after few hours or days asks for seeing again, apologies, compliments…
- Typical lying situations, there are so many of them so I am not sure whether I can write everything here
- Girl is asking you for sex in front of whole class or public… common, would she really ask you something like that in front of 20 people?!
- Phone number, and she is telling you not to call her in… Always check if her cell phone is ringing, you never know if the number is real or fake
- Someone is telling you his “secret” in front of 10 people
There are many other situations, I wrote tut about how to prevent yourself from doxing, and this is for computing world. If you know something else from real world, please feel free to put it here.
According to Freud, every personality is divided into 4 parts:
1) ID(subconscious)
The id comprises the unorganised part of the personality structure that contains the basic drives. The id acts according to the "pleasure principle", seeking to avoid pain or unpleasure aroused by increases in instinctual tension
It is the dark, inaccessible part of our personality, what little we know of it we have learned from our study of the dream-work and of the construction of neurotic symptoms, and most of that is of a negative character and can be described only as a contrast to the ego. We approach the id with analogies: we call it a chaos, a cauldron full of seething excitations... It is filled with energy reaching it from the instincts, but it has no organisation, produces no collective will, but only a striving to bring about the satisfaction of the instinctual needs subject to the observance of the pleasure principle
2) EGO(what is real)
The Ego comprises that organised part of the personality structure that includes defensive, perceptual, intellectual-cognitive, and executive functions. Conscious awareness resides in the ego, although not all of the operations of the ego are conscious.. Originally, Freud used the word ego to mean a sense of self, but later revised it to mean a set of psychic functions such as judgment, tolerance, reality-testing, control, planning, defense, synthesis of information, intellectual functioning, and memory.
The ego separates out what is real. It helps us to organise our thoughts and make sense of them and the world around us
Freud developed his concept of the super-ego from an earlier combination of the ego ideal and the 'special psychical agency which performs the task of seeing that narcissistic satisfaction from the ego ideal is ensured...what we call our "conscience"'
For him 'the installation of the super-ego can be described as a successful instance of identification with the parental agency', while as development proceeds 'the super-ego also takes on the influence of those who have stepped into the place of parents - educators, teachers, people chosen as ideal models
"The super-ego retains the character of the father, while the more powerful the Oedipus complex was and the more rapidly it succumbed to repression (under the influence of authority, religious teaching, schooling and reading), the stricter will be the domination of the super-ego over the ego later on—in the form of conscience or perhaps of an unconscious sense of guilt."
4)ALTER-EGO(second personality)
Is a second self, a second personality or persona within a person, who is often oblivious to the persona's actions. It was coined in the early nineteenth century when dissociative identity disorder was first described by psychologists. A person with an alter-ego is said to lead a double life.
Psychopaths are usually having dominant alter-ego or id, cause their subconscious power is on very high level. They are also great in planning. Anyway if you find out which of these four is dominant, you will have much more problems in understanding specified person and finding out more info about her.
Hope this helps! Good luck with protection! Remember, knowledge is stronger than intuition and their instincts, if you know a lot more than them you will teach them a lesson before they even start!
• too trusting - people who are honest often assume that everyone else is honest. They commit themselves to people they hardly know without checking credentials, etc. They rarely question so-called experts.
Example: Somebody tells you that he needs money. You believe everything he said without checking anything or asking for conformation.
• too altruistic - the opposite of psychopathic; too honest, too fair, too empathetic
Example: Someone is very honest in society, talks everything about him, his hobbies, views to the world, interests, and psychopaths are using this as a manipulation spots in the beginning.
• too impressionable - overly seduced by charmers. For example, they might vote for the phony politician who kisses babies.
Example: You are delighted and charmed with the girls look. You cannot see that she is a manipulator and dangerous girl cause you are impressed with her outer look.
• too naïve - cannot believe there are dishonest people in the world or if there were they would not be allowed to operate.
Example: You refuse to believe that your friend scammed you cause you “are sure that he would never do this to you” and think that he is great friend.
• too masochistic - lack of self-respect and unconsciously let psychopaths take advantage of them. They think they deserve it out of a sense of guilt.
Example: Something bad happened to you. You expect punishment for what you did and you ain’t give a fuck what will happen, and this leaves you open for frauds.
• too narcissistic - narcissists are prone to falling for unmerited flattery.
Example: You love your look most of all in the world. A girl gets close to you and starts to flirt and flatter you, gives you compliments… You will not see her real occassions because flattering and compliments are making you happy.
• too greedy - the greedy and dishonest may fall prey to a psychopath who can easily entice them to act in an immoral way.
Example: You are jealous at somebody. You would do everything to take a revenge. You are very easy target for some psycho to make you do immoral acts.
• too immature - has impaired judgment and believes the exaggerated advertising claims.
Example: You have probably heard of people who are not mentally old as physically. Their judgements and believes are developing slower, and they are probably few ages behind their generation. They are not necessary stupid, sometimes they are just having biological reasons for that, but they are very easy target for manipulation.
• too materialistic - easy prey for loan sharks or get-rich-quick schemes
Example: Someone offers you 100$. You don’t want to know what you should do, don’t ask for payment in advance…
• too dependent - dependent people need to be loved and are therefore gullible and liable to say yes to something to which they should say no.
Example: You are dependent from your family. However, you believe that your girl will do the same for you just like your family. This leaves you vulnerable.
• too lonely - lonely people may accept any offer of human contact. A psychopathic stranger may offer human companionship for a price.
Example: Lonely wolves are usually very intelligent people who cannot interact into the society. If you are lonely, and you need contact and friendship, how can you guarantee that stranger is not psychopath?
• too impulsive - make snap decisions about, for example, what to buy or whom to marry without consulting others.
Example: You earned your salary. You argue with your girlfriend and you want to buy something that will irritiate her, and you ain’t give a fuck how will you breach this thing. You are vulnerable.
• too frugal - cannot say no to a bargain even if they know the reason why it is so cheap
Example: You find on market stuffs that cost ten times less than normal prize. Will you suspect that these goods might be stolen?
• the elderly - the elderly can become fatigued and less capable of multi-tasking. When hearing a sales pitch they are less likely to consider that it could be a con. They are prone to giving money to someone with a hard-luck story.
Example: You have probably heard of young women marrying oldmen. They are “really inlove with” their stink, bad habbits, way of living… NO, WAIT A MINUTE, IT IS THEIR MONEY!

- hot chick fucks with old man or mature man, and they are having great car and fortune
- a girl is trying to kiss you in front of whole class without previous talk person to person… not necessarily has to mean, but it is suspicious
- girl is flirting with you in front of whole class, and she was bad to you at the first time
- your “friends” found a girlfriend for you, and they will lead you to introduce her
- a person that is not your friend comes up with the story that some girl is horny on you, and you don’t know him or her well
- Nigerian scam, search wikipedia for this, it is very well known type of scam
- Someone constantly denies to see you in person
- Someone always delays seeing with you
- Girlfriend becomes very closed and shy to you, and at the first time your relationship was great
- Relationship – girl always breaks up and after few hours or days asks for seeing again, apologies, compliments…
- Typical lying situations, there are so many of them so I am not sure whether I can write everything here
- Girl is asking you for sex in front of whole class or public… common, would she really ask you something like that in front of 20 people?!
- Phone number, and she is telling you not to call her in… Always check if her cell phone is ringing, you never know if the number is real or fake
- Someone is telling you his “secret” in front of 10 people
There are many other situations, I wrote tut about how to prevent yourself from doxing, and this is for computing world. If you know something else from real world, please feel free to put it here.
According to Freud, every personality is divided into 4 parts:
1) ID(subconscious)
The id comprises the unorganised part of the personality structure that contains the basic drives. The id acts according to the "pleasure principle", seeking to avoid pain or unpleasure aroused by increases in instinctual tension
It is the dark, inaccessible part of our personality, what little we know of it we have learned from our study of the dream-work and of the construction of neurotic symptoms, and most of that is of a negative character and can be described only as a contrast to the ego. We approach the id with analogies: we call it a chaos, a cauldron full of seething excitations... It is filled with energy reaching it from the instincts, but it has no organisation, produces no collective will, but only a striving to bring about the satisfaction of the instinctual needs subject to the observance of the pleasure principle
2) EGO(what is real)
The Ego comprises that organised part of the personality structure that includes defensive, perceptual, intellectual-cognitive, and executive functions. Conscious awareness resides in the ego, although not all of the operations of the ego are conscious.. Originally, Freud used the word ego to mean a sense of self, but later revised it to mean a set of psychic functions such as judgment, tolerance, reality-testing, control, planning, defense, synthesis of information, intellectual functioning, and memory.
The ego separates out what is real. It helps us to organise our thoughts and make sense of them and the world around us
Freud developed his concept of the super-ego from an earlier combination of the ego ideal and the 'special psychical agency which performs the task of seeing that narcissistic satisfaction from the ego ideal is ensured...what we call our "conscience"'
For him 'the installation of the super-ego can be described as a successful instance of identification with the parental agency', while as development proceeds 'the super-ego also takes on the influence of those who have stepped into the place of parents - educators, teachers, people chosen as ideal models
"The super-ego retains the character of the father, while the more powerful the Oedipus complex was and the more rapidly it succumbed to repression (under the influence of authority, religious teaching, schooling and reading), the stricter will be the domination of the super-ego over the ego later on—in the form of conscience or perhaps of an unconscious sense of guilt."
4)ALTER-EGO(second personality)
Is a second self, a second personality or persona within a person, who is often oblivious to the persona's actions. It was coined in the early nineteenth century when dissociative identity disorder was first described by psychologists. A person with an alter-ego is said to lead a double life.
Psychopaths are usually having dominant alter-ego or id, cause their subconscious power is on very high level. They are also great in planning. Anyway if you find out which of these four is dominant, you will have much more problems in understanding specified person and finding out more info about her.
Hope this helps! Good luck with protection! Remember, knowledge is stronger than intuition and their instincts, if you know a lot more than them you will teach them a lesson before they even start!
This technique is called FATAL JERKING. You have probably seen this many times, but proper answer in the right time can stop manipulator from wish to live further, and not to mention stopping manipulations and trolling.
In real life, situation is a bit different than in computing world because you don’t have that much time to think your answer, and straight answer is what you will be needed. Actually, if you cut them every time they try to manipulate or troll you, they will stop after few fails. I am telling you this because real life is a lot different. However, if they are not intellectually smarter, they will maybe try to beat you up. You will have to accept that as possible ending.
Fat manipulator
Whatever he/she tries, says, does… your possibilities are always very high, so I will give you some possible ways to annoy them:
If you grunt every time manipulator or troll says something, this will guarantee irritiate them a lot. But I am not sure whether they will stop or not.
Food tips
- Hey, name, you want piece of bacon, hamburger, candy…
- Hey let us eat something, you haven’t eaten for the whole two minutes.
- Hey you want some chocolate?
- You need piece of cream or cake?
Stomach tips
- Look at your stomach, it is bigger than at rhinoceros.
- You are ready to be roasted with that stomach.
- Are you balancing your bulk?
- I will reserve you liposuction, I have some connections in the hospital.
- How many kilos of fat do you owe?
Same thing as grunting, this will surely annoy them.
Mysterious manipulator
Secret tips
Use some SE to get their secrets. If you made with these, you will have good chances to control them. If they are mysterious, they will not want their secrets to be blown. Mostly these are things about sex, and what they like to do during sex, especially if somebody is highly perverted or homosexual, or has some very dangerous secret, you can even blackmail them.
Counter attacking
Simply tell them that you are not dumb, and you know what they want in front of ten people minimum. Make sure that you mask your emotions, if their story is hurting you, you mustn’t show that in front of them. Tell them that their tricks are poor and pathetic, or that their tricks can bypass 5 year old child or anything similar.
Attractive manipulator
This will be mostly happened by an opposite gender. You have girls that simply like to jerk people, like one of my female friends. But she says that she afraids of me, so she has never tried even to troll me.
- If you are beautiful, that doesn’t have to mean that you are smart.
- You have breasts of MILF, but brain of 5 year old.
- You are cute, but very stupid.
- Can’t you use your stupid tricks on someone who is on lower degree of evolution? I will always be untouchable and smarter from you, better give up.
- Think jokes for them about whoring and rough sex, that will surely annoy them.
- Ask them perverted questions about sex, if you know a lot more than them they will give up. Girls mostly hate questions about anal sex and masochistic tricks.
- Too bad your brain can only be used for fucking together with your ass and pussy.
- I am smarter from you, and you will never change that!
- You are not worth enough to annoy me.
- You will never make me nervous cause your skills are zero if you compare them with mine.
- I don’t fuck girls like you, I only troll them. Smile
- Did your mother learn you to spread legs so wide or you were just born with a poor brain?
False complimenting
- You fuck like the best whore in the world. How much are they paying you?
- You are spreading your legs on every message, you can probably reach large amplitudes.
- Your body is great, but only for masochistic sex.
I am sure you will think up something more, this part varies a lot of situation to situation.
Charismatic manipulator
If someone is popular in society, you will have problems because everyone will join him. You will have to be very warn. Charisma is not easy to be earned, he will have to be something special if he wants them to follow him. You will have to convince him that he is not smart enough to be so popular. Remember that his interpersonal intelligence is strong, but there are 9 types of intelligence, and I wrote tut about them. Find his weak spot and attack him!
- How someone with so stupid tricks can be so popular? Oh, yeah, because they don’t know your true IQ!
- If you know that he is lying something and prove it, he is fucked up, but do this in front of his friends
- Do you know how stupid your sentences sound?
- Why do you think that your opinion is so important to me?
- Why do you think that you are that important? You are human just like everybody else, and you will never handle my intelligence, you are jealous, ahahaha!
- Hey I am reading you like a book, you couldn’t lie(manipulate) even a 4-year old child
- What is wrong, your mummy is not supporting you so your friends are going everywhere with you?
Ego manipulator
Generally, these people are thinking that they are centre of the world. Whole world is in their power. They are thinking that their power is high. They are untouchable. Just give them signs that you are more important and loved than them, they will give up quickly.
Dead from the inside manipulator
Well, I don’t know what to do here. These people will not feel many emotions. Their main sentence is: “They have something to lose. I don’t.” So if they think that you can be manipulated, that will also mean that they have analyzed you very carefully. They will not feel that this is hurting you, nor they will feel thrill, excitement…. My advice is to shorten their time, cause they are bored or something like that, they don’t need attention in most cases and they are mostly people that cannot be hurt, unless hurting event has something to do with trauma that caused emotional blocking or shutting down. If you know what was the reason(which would be very hard), this would be good start.
Nervous manipulator
Repeat everything they say or just act their body moves, sabotage their sentences, make diversions and evasions, ask them family and sexually oriented questions in the middle of conversation… they will not be able to handle this.
Boring manipulator
Bark like a dog whenever they say something. They will go crazy believe me I had problems with one very boring jerk and he gone crazy after that.
If you have something else to add, please do that. Note that cutting may always be used in order to protect, just like secrets and classified data. In most cases that will pass, because sensitive info are always giving the result. And please leave some feedback! Thanks!
In real life, situation is a bit different than in computing world because you don’t have that much time to think your answer, and straight answer is what you will be needed. Actually, if you cut them every time they try to manipulate or troll you, they will stop after few fails. I am telling you this because real life is a lot different. However, if they are not intellectually smarter, they will maybe try to beat you up. You will have to accept that as possible ending.
Fat manipulator
Whatever he/she tries, says, does… your possibilities are always very high, so I will give you some possible ways to annoy them:
If you grunt every time manipulator or troll says something, this will guarantee irritiate them a lot. But I am not sure whether they will stop or not.
Food tips
- Hey, name, you want piece of bacon, hamburger, candy…
- Hey let us eat something, you haven’t eaten for the whole two minutes.
- Hey you want some chocolate?
- You need piece of cream or cake?
Stomach tips
- Look at your stomach, it is bigger than at rhinoceros.
- You are ready to be roasted with that stomach.
- Are you balancing your bulk?
- I will reserve you liposuction, I have some connections in the hospital.
- How many kilos of fat do you owe?
Same thing as grunting, this will surely annoy them.
Mysterious manipulator
Secret tips
Use some SE to get their secrets. If you made with these, you will have good chances to control them. If they are mysterious, they will not want their secrets to be blown. Mostly these are things about sex, and what they like to do during sex, especially if somebody is highly perverted or homosexual, or has some very dangerous secret, you can even blackmail them.
Counter attacking
Simply tell them that you are not dumb, and you know what they want in front of ten people minimum. Make sure that you mask your emotions, if their story is hurting you, you mustn’t show that in front of them. Tell them that their tricks are poor and pathetic, or that their tricks can bypass 5 year old child or anything similar.
Attractive manipulator
This will be mostly happened by an opposite gender. You have girls that simply like to jerk people, like one of my female friends. But she says that she afraids of me, so she has never tried even to troll me.
- If you are beautiful, that doesn’t have to mean that you are smart.
- You have breasts of MILF, but brain of 5 year old.
- You are cute, but very stupid.
- Can’t you use your stupid tricks on someone who is on lower degree of evolution? I will always be untouchable and smarter from you, better give up.
- Think jokes for them about whoring and rough sex, that will surely annoy them.
- Ask them perverted questions about sex, if you know a lot more than them they will give up. Girls mostly hate questions about anal sex and masochistic tricks.
- Too bad your brain can only be used for fucking together with your ass and pussy.
- I am smarter from you, and you will never change that!
- You are not worth enough to annoy me.
- You will never make me nervous cause your skills are zero if you compare them with mine.
- I don’t fuck girls like you, I only troll them. Smile
- Did your mother learn you to spread legs so wide or you were just born with a poor brain?
False complimenting
- You fuck like the best whore in the world. How much are they paying you?
- You are spreading your legs on every message, you can probably reach large amplitudes.
- Your body is great, but only for masochistic sex.
I am sure you will think up something more, this part varies a lot of situation to situation.
Charismatic manipulator
If someone is popular in society, you will have problems because everyone will join him. You will have to be very warn. Charisma is not easy to be earned, he will have to be something special if he wants them to follow him. You will have to convince him that he is not smart enough to be so popular. Remember that his interpersonal intelligence is strong, but there are 9 types of intelligence, and I wrote tut about them. Find his weak spot and attack him!
- How someone with so stupid tricks can be so popular? Oh, yeah, because they don’t know your true IQ!
- If you know that he is lying something and prove it, he is fucked up, but do this in front of his friends
- Do you know how stupid your sentences sound?
- Why do you think that your opinion is so important to me?
- Why do you think that you are that important? You are human just like everybody else, and you will never handle my intelligence, you are jealous, ahahaha!
- Hey I am reading you like a book, you couldn’t lie(manipulate) even a 4-year old child
- What is wrong, your mummy is not supporting you so your friends are going everywhere with you?
Ego manipulator
Generally, these people are thinking that they are centre of the world. Whole world is in their power. They are thinking that their power is high. They are untouchable. Just give them signs that you are more important and loved than them, they will give up quickly.
Dead from the inside manipulator
Well, I don’t know what to do here. These people will not feel many emotions. Their main sentence is: “They have something to lose. I don’t.” So if they think that you can be manipulated, that will also mean that they have analyzed you very carefully. They will not feel that this is hurting you, nor they will feel thrill, excitement…. My advice is to shorten their time, cause they are bored or something like that, they don’t need attention in most cases and they are mostly people that cannot be hurt, unless hurting event has something to do with trauma that caused emotional blocking or shutting down. If you know what was the reason(which would be very hard), this would be good start.
Nervous manipulator
Repeat everything they say or just act their body moves, sabotage their sentences, make diversions and evasions, ask them family and sexually oriented questions in the middle of conversation… they will not be able to handle this.
Boring manipulator
Bark like a dog whenever they say something. They will go crazy believe me I had problems with one very boring jerk and he gone crazy after that.

If you have something else to add, please do that. Note that cutting may always be used in order to protect, just like secrets and classified data. In most cases that will pass, because sensitive info are always giving the result. And please leave some feedback! Thanks!
Thought this could come in handy, just found it on the internet. Did some editing and here it goes...
Most of the techniques aim at provoking a surge of emotions that bypass your rational brain and make you perform irrational acts. Some basic psychology is needed here and unless you have missed it, here is a simple guide on profiling other people.
Bear in mind that some people are bad actors and you may see their trick coming from a mile away. However, good manipulators know how to play their role well and you will never see the torpedo coming until the ship starts taking water.
1 - Challenging your EGO (Sense of Self Importance)
This technique aims at making you prove that you are important enough or capable of doing some task. Watch out for the following style of phrases because they may signal such an EGO torpedo:
"I hope you are not afraid / I thought you were brave" - and make you do the stunt.
"Only rich and wealthy people hang out there." - and you end up waiting one hour in front of the VIP club bouncer.
"Most people have failed at this. This is the task that proves if you are really the best" - and the hamster runs and runs on its wheel, producing all kinds of reports, data or anything that can keep its boss happy.
2 - Guilt
This technique aims at finding one element contradicting with your moral code, which can then be stated in such a way that will make you feel bad, if you do not conform to their demands.
"How can you do or say something like that ? You brake my heart" - served with the proper acting.
3 - Fear
This technique uses all the negative things that may happen to you if you do not conform to their demand.
"You will lose me / You will get fired / You will stay alone / or something that makes you feel really unhappy - if you do not do the XYZ "
-If they find your breaking points, they will put the knife deep and they will turn it and twist it until you can be heard screaming from a road away. Simple and devastating.
4 - Curiosity
"You only live once, man. Let's go test this"
Have you ever looked a heroin addict straight in his eyes. Have you noticed how EMPTY those eyes look ?
5 - The need to be liked
We pursue that, which retreats from us
~ Martin Heidegger
This technique is very much used in many relationships and can be found a lot in seduction situations. One of the two persons menaces to retreat her appreciation or his love, if person B does not conform to his or her demand. It can also work if he or she is temporarily ignoring you. What this does is that it creates a psychological vacuum that can lead you to hunt and pursue.
"Oh, OK if you do not want to do the X, then forget it. I do not think we are going to see each-other - ever again." - and you keep hunting the girl or the man for ages.
"Well, OK I do not have a lot of time this week" - and they leave you thinking, what if I had done this or if I have done the other. You are already fighting a battle uphill and such a battle can never be won.
6 - Love
Goes together with guilt:
Look someone in the eyes and tell him : "If you love me ... if you REALLY love me, you will do this ... for me ?". and your lover makes you do things that you would never do by your self... or you spoil your son and your daughter in a way that seriously provokes problems in their lives.
However, watch-out because sometimes people ARE honest and you should be able to tell good guys from bad guys.
7 - Commitment
If they ask you to promise something or do a symbolic act towards the desired direction, it is quite probable that you will conform to another demand if it is related somehow with your promise.
8 - Social Proof
You are shown how other people around you have been acting in a related matter to the one that he or she wants you to do.
"But all of my friends do this" - and you do it too.
"No, I will never do this. NONE of my friends has ever done this" - and you don't.
9 - Scarcity
They give you a take-it-now-or-loose-it-forever option by making sure not to be readily available. This makes you understand that if you do not act NOW you will miss your chance.
"I am booked this week. If you want to go out, it has to be tomorrow."
10 - Reciprocation
They offer you something first, they wait a bit and then they ask you a favor.
11 - Authority
This technique is used mostly in workplaces. Someone that will claim authority, he will claim that his argument has been used by experts. In an everyday communication this can be served by saying that you say it on TV or you read it on a book - and no Cosmopolitan is NOT a source of authority.
12 - Using Sex as a bait
This applies to seduction situations, where a male can be allured to have sex but sex never arrives. This makes him do a lot of irrelevant actions in order to get there. Including all the things we do NOT want to do. For example, if you are skeptic, ultraparanoid and not gullible person that will never do anything without thinking twice and counting ahead(like me), this option will be epic fail.
13 - Emotional roller coaster
For people that live a boring life without many experiences, the simple arrival of a colourful, full of emotions person can make you get into a situation where you feel in love. However, what most people fail to understand is that it is the simple comparison between a dull life to a life full of emotions that provokes the rush and not the new person itself. The only way to avoid this situation is by adding to your life all the necessary experiences. Sports, social activities or activities can provoke the emotions that you were looking for. Usually this happens after long periods of repetitive activities like studying, exam prep or a 'tidy', too-ordered life etc.
By alternating times of painfully trying to achieve something (get the girl or the man) and then rapidly him or her offering you an 'emotional' cookie, you can be addicted to the chase. This rapid alternation from negative feelings to positive feelings , is also the reason for most addictions. Be aware and avoid these situations so that you understand not to enter into mind games that you cannot come out of easily.
Find the good people in your life!
People that manipulate tend to do more than one of the above. Those acts appear in clusters and not one at a time.
Keep close to you only persons that are honest and that have good goals in their lives. They will push you to be your best.
Most of the techniques aim at provoking a surge of emotions that bypass your rational brain and make you perform irrational acts. Some basic psychology is needed here and unless you have missed it, here is a simple guide on profiling other people.
Bear in mind that some people are bad actors and you may see their trick coming from a mile away. However, good manipulators know how to play their role well and you will never see the torpedo coming until the ship starts taking water.
1 - Challenging your EGO (Sense of Self Importance)
This technique aims at making you prove that you are important enough or capable of doing some task. Watch out for the following style of phrases because they may signal such an EGO torpedo:
"I hope you are not afraid / I thought you were brave" - and make you do the stunt.
"Only rich and wealthy people hang out there." - and you end up waiting one hour in front of the VIP club bouncer.
"Most people have failed at this. This is the task that proves if you are really the best" - and the hamster runs and runs on its wheel, producing all kinds of reports, data or anything that can keep its boss happy.
2 - Guilt
This technique aims at finding one element contradicting with your moral code, which can then be stated in such a way that will make you feel bad, if you do not conform to their demands.
"How can you do or say something like that ? You brake my heart" - served with the proper acting.
3 - Fear
This technique uses all the negative things that may happen to you if you do not conform to their demand.
"You will lose me / You will get fired / You will stay alone / or something that makes you feel really unhappy - if you do not do the XYZ "
-If they find your breaking points, they will put the knife deep and they will turn it and twist it until you can be heard screaming from a road away. Simple and devastating.
4 - Curiosity
"You only live once, man. Let's go test this"
Have you ever looked a heroin addict straight in his eyes. Have you noticed how EMPTY those eyes look ?
5 - The need to be liked
We pursue that, which retreats from us
~ Martin Heidegger
This technique is very much used in many relationships and can be found a lot in seduction situations. One of the two persons menaces to retreat her appreciation or his love, if person B does not conform to his or her demand. It can also work if he or she is temporarily ignoring you. What this does is that it creates a psychological vacuum that can lead you to hunt and pursue.
"Oh, OK if you do not want to do the X, then forget it. I do not think we are going to see each-other - ever again." - and you keep hunting the girl or the man for ages.
"Well, OK I do not have a lot of time this week" - and they leave you thinking, what if I had done this or if I have done the other. You are already fighting a battle uphill and such a battle can never be won.
6 - Love
Goes together with guilt:
Look someone in the eyes and tell him : "If you love me ... if you REALLY love me, you will do this ... for me ?". and your lover makes you do things that you would never do by your self... or you spoil your son and your daughter in a way that seriously provokes problems in their lives.
However, watch-out because sometimes people ARE honest and you should be able to tell good guys from bad guys.
7 - Commitment
If they ask you to promise something or do a symbolic act towards the desired direction, it is quite probable that you will conform to another demand if it is related somehow with your promise.
8 - Social Proof
You are shown how other people around you have been acting in a related matter to the one that he or she wants you to do.
"But all of my friends do this" - and you do it too.
"No, I will never do this. NONE of my friends has ever done this" - and you don't.
9 - Scarcity
They give you a take-it-now-or-loose-it-forever option by making sure not to be readily available. This makes you understand that if you do not act NOW you will miss your chance.
"I am booked this week. If you want to go out, it has to be tomorrow."
10 - Reciprocation
They offer you something first, they wait a bit and then they ask you a favor.
11 - Authority
This technique is used mostly in workplaces. Someone that will claim authority, he will claim that his argument has been used by experts. In an everyday communication this can be served by saying that you say it on TV or you read it on a book - and no Cosmopolitan is NOT a source of authority.
12 - Using Sex as a bait
This applies to seduction situations, where a male can be allured to have sex but sex never arrives. This makes him do a lot of irrelevant actions in order to get there. Including all the things we do NOT want to do. For example, if you are skeptic, ultraparanoid and not gullible person that will never do anything without thinking twice and counting ahead(like me), this option will be epic fail.
13 - Emotional roller coaster
For people that live a boring life without many experiences, the simple arrival of a colourful, full of emotions person can make you get into a situation where you feel in love. However, what most people fail to understand is that it is the simple comparison between a dull life to a life full of emotions that provokes the rush and not the new person itself. The only way to avoid this situation is by adding to your life all the necessary experiences. Sports, social activities or activities can provoke the emotions that you were looking for. Usually this happens after long periods of repetitive activities like studying, exam prep or a 'tidy', too-ordered life etc.
By alternating times of painfully trying to achieve something (get the girl or the man) and then rapidly him or her offering you an 'emotional' cookie, you can be addicted to the chase. This rapid alternation from negative feelings to positive feelings , is also the reason for most addictions. Be aware and avoid these situations so that you understand not to enter into mind games that you cannot come out of easily.
Find the good people in your life!
People that manipulate tend to do more than one of the above. Those acts appear in clusters and not one at a time.
Keep close to you only persons that are honest and that have good goals in their lives. They will push you to be your best.
I am Mrs Sandy from USA, i want to share a testimony of my life to every one. i was married to my husband Williams Jack, i love him so much we have been married for 6 years now with three kids. when he went for a vacation to UK he meant a lady called Mary?, he told me that he is no longer interested in the marriage any more. i was so confuse and seeking for help, i don't know what to do until I met my friend miss Lina and told her about my problem. she told me not to worry about it that she had a similar problem before and introduce me to a man called Dr Joel who cast a spell on her ex and bring him back to her after 3 days. Miss Lina ask me to contact Dr Joel. I contacted him to help me bring back my husband and he ask me not to worry about it that the gods of his fore-fathers will fight for me. He told me by Three days he will re-unite me and my husband together. After three day my husband called and told me he is coming back to sought out things with me, I was surprise when I saw him and he started crying for forgiveness. Right now I am the happiest woman on earth for what this great spell caster did for me and my husband, you can contact Dr Joel on any problem in this world, he is very nice man, here is his contact He is the best spell caster how can help you within three days.