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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Online business advices

When working with new or struggling online home business owners I’m inevitably asked what is the most important thing to learn in order to be successful making money online.  For those who are either aspiring Internet & affiliate marketing or online network marketing successes, my answer is the same.  It’s not a single marketing process or technique, nor is it becoming proficient in sales copy writing, blog set-up, site SEO, social media marketing or attracting waves of traffic.  Hell, all those my friends I can teach and you can learn.

My answer revolves around the common thread that those who reach the 6-figure mark (9K+a month) have mastered which conversely, those that do not succeed are lacking.  Those that have become successful all started their journey differently.  Some were out of work and jumped in head on, others could devote 2-4 hrs a day and then the weekends to making their vision become a reality.  For some it took just a few short months while others pursued niche markets that took longer to penetrate, sometimes even years….. but what is their common denominator?

In my experience, many act committed but are what I call “closet fence sitters“.  They’re just one failure away from giving up on their dream (and thus themselves). In all my training I’ve never known one who became successful without altering that perspective, burning the ships that would take them home & committing their entire being to making what they envisioned a reality. That is the gauntlet, the pre-requisite, the crucible if you will for success to grow.

The common denominator is an unwavering commitment that is nailed to the wall by a passionate pursuit, the internal fire of which they will not let die! Know this; if you get this tool in your tool box you will be successful.  Everyone who has mastered it has! But the journey to success is not a straight path but a maze in a dark room.  You will hit road blocks but your undying pursuit will guarantee success.
That means if you have 2-4 hrs everyday to devote to building your retirement then you commit to doing that every day….not because you have to, but because you have a burning desire to achieve it and can’t stop yourself! You recognize that this is the only way you can make the most dramatic long-term impact in your life and the life of those you love. 

This my friends, is the common denominator.  It doesn’t matter what you “do” or “don’t know” when you start out because your passionate commitment from your burning determination will push you past any deficiencies and empower you to learn everything needed to be successful….but only if you are truly committed to weather all storms and take the failures as part of the journey, going back to the drawing board to retool and redouble your effort when they come.

The bottom line is that whatever you want to get in life, if you give it a sold-out commitment that’s nailed to the wall by a passionate fire that won’t quench, success is not a matter of “if” but “when”. Whatever your pursuit, know that the foundation must be built on that and nothing less, or the house will crumble when the storms come.


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