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Sunday, January 8, 2012

Dark triad

This is very dangerous combination. It creates the person who is ready on anything. So, my advice, if you ever deal with these people in your real life, be warn. Good luck!
The Dark Triad is a group of three personality traits: narcissism; machiavellianism; and psychopathy, all of which are interpersonally aversive.
The Dark Triad refers to three theoretically distinct but empirically overlapping personality constructs. The term reflects the perception that these three diagnostic categories, have at least some common underlying factors:
  • The narcissistic personality (in the clinical sense) is characterized by a grandiose self-view, a sense of entitlement, lack of empathy, and self-centered egotist. On some theories, such as Kohut, it is associated with protection of a radically weak, shamed, or damaged self.
  • The Machiavellian personality is characterized by manipulation and exploitation of others, with a cynical disregard for morality and a focus on self-interest and deception.
  • The psychopath, or antisocial personality, is characterized by impulsive thrill-seeking, and in its "primary" form by selfishness, callousness, lack of personal affect, superficial charm, and remorselessness.
All three characters involve a callous-manipulative interpersonal style, and are considered aversive. Jakobwitz and Egan carried out a factor analysis and found agreeableness strongly dissociated with all dark triad personality types, but other factors (neuroticism, lack of conscientiousness) were associated only with some members of the triad.
It has also been argued that narcissists aggress when insulted whereas psychopaths aggress when threatened, and that Machiavellian students cheat by plagiarizing essays whereas psychopaths impulsively copy other students' answers during exams.
Hope you learned something new today! When my time allows me, I will post something new.


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