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Saturday, January 7, 2012

Personal value system

A value system is a set of consistent ethic values (more specifically the personal and cultural values) and measures used for the purpose of ethical or ideological integrity. A well defined value system is a moral code.

One or more people can hold a value system. Likewise, a value system can apply to either one person or many.
  • A personal value system is held by and applied to one individual only.
  • A communal or cultural value system is held by and applied to a community/group/society. Some communal value systems are reflected in the form of legal codes or law.
Value exceptions
Abstract exceptions serve to reinforce the ranking of values. Their definitions are generalized enough to be relevant to any and all situations. Situational exceptions, on the other hand, are ad hoc and pertain only to specific situations. The presence of a type of exception determines one of two more kinds of value systems:
  • An idealized value system is a listing of values that lacks exceptions. It is, therefore, absolute and can be codified as a strict set of proscriptions on behavior. Those who hold to their idealized value system and claim no exceptions (other than the default) are called absolutists.
  • A realized value system contains exceptions to resolve contradictions between values in practical circumstances. This type is what people tend to use in daily life.
The difference between these two types of systems can be seen when people state that they hold one value system yet in practice deviate from it, thus holding a different value system. For example, a religion lists an absolute set of values while the practice of that religion may include exceptions.
Implicit exceptions bring about a third type of value system called a formal value system. Whether idealized or realized, this type contains an implicit exception associated with each value: "as long as no higher-priority value is violated". For instance, a person might feel that lying is wrong. Since preserving a life is probably more highly valued than adhering to the principle that lying is wrong, lying to save someone’s life is acceptable. Perhaps too simplistic in practice, such a hierarchical structure may warrant explicit exceptions.
Ok after this intro taken from Wikipedia we will start to focus on personal value system. You probably wonder why is this tutorial important. Well, if you want to identify a manipulator that changes style, the first thing you need to know is to get to know yourself better, discover your own vulnerabilities and then you can apply this for blackhat activities in real life if you want to, but we will focus on defense for now. As you probably already know, an experienced manipulator will always spectate your behaviour for days, weeks or even months and he will not give up until he finds your weak spot and perfect place to attack. I made an astrology model of possible vulnerabilities, which can later be used for your “lovely ideas”:
Astrology circle consists of 12 fields, and every field has wonderful exploits that can be used as wonderful vulnerability for real life attacks. We will start from beginning:


If you find that somebody(girls) puts a lot of makeup, powder or whole cosmetic package on its face, shoulders, legs… always perfumed, glanced, puts cologne( men) or has bad reactions if you talk about physical look, this is his potential weak spot. There is one problem in general with humans – compliments are so hard to be separated from lies and false compliments, because today people will rather hear fake compliment than true story about defects and bad sides of personality. Also if someone has personality disorder, depends of disorder type you can use it for attack and your needs.
I also believe that you know personality types, if not you can find a bunch of tutorials on the internet. I will tell you that extroverted people are easier to get close to, but introverted are easier for manipulation in general, unless they are extremely experienced, skeptics or paranoids or if they had a lot of bad experiences and trust nobody. If so, do not try anything with them, cause you can’t do much from distance.


Money is very important if you want to live good, cause if you are poor and have no money you will have to spare money and live harder. But you also have greedy people that are extremely rich and they always want more money.I will divide this area in following parts:
-          PRODIGALITY – people that spend to much money for unnecessary things
-          SORDIDNESS – people that do not spend money at all unless for basic needs
-          RATIONALITY – people that spend their money normally
-          GREEDY PEOPLE – these people always want more and more money and even million dollars looks little for them
Manipulatively vulnerable people are 1 and 4, but if you are good blackmailer, you can grab everybody’s money unless cops upperhand you.


Communication style is very important. Communicating style will help you to recognize personality. If someone talks loud, this will surely mean that he is not shy. Shy people mostly talk quietly. And generally you have three types of people:
-          BABBLERS – these people will never be able to keep your secret. You can use them if you want to initiate fake stories about your target, but never get to close to them
-          SECRET MASTERS – whatever you tell them, it will be 100% protected
-          PEOPLE THAT DON’T CARE – this is lottery ticket, but if they ain’t care about you and your stories, they will probably forget or remember later
-          PEOPLE THAT COUNT FEW STEPS AHEAD – these people are dangerous, because they think a lot, they will analyze every situation multiple times before doing anything. Beware of these people, either be their good friends or stay away from them


Mostly people dislike offensive behaviour about their family. But it is very well known that some people have hard time with insults about their family, then about insults about themselves. Someone is very closely connected to his family, relatives, brothers… If family relations are great, my advice is not to try to mess with these people. You will have problem- whole family will go against you, so you will have to be extremely smart to bypass all of them. They can receive advices from their parents too. Here you have three types – people who are total opponents to their parents and never accept anything their parents say, people who listen to their parents and people who think before every decision.
Also people might have bad relations with their family and they might be able to sell their closest relatives and talk bad things about them. Finding vulnerable spot here will not be easy, but you can also use them for secret extraction process. All depends on you.


Many people are desperate for love. These are perfect targets if you are opposite gender and want something theirs. If people are too closed and warn, maybe love is not their sensitive spot. However, your SE skill will enable you to discover this. If someone loves sports more than his life, any bad physical injury will make serious problem for him.
People that love entertainment are going out more often than for example scientists and introverted people. You will have less troubles trying to be seen in their society. But if you want to know about manipulation, I wrote a part about vulnerable groups, so feel free to read it. Also, if someone likes gambling and risking, you can place him in serious problems with gambling debts. Feel free to research your target’s vulnerabilities.


According to my opinion, this area is the most vulnerable of all.
If we take a closer look on clothing style, we will notice that we have normally dressed people, military freaks, fencers, emos… If someone is sensitive about clothing style or thinks that he is dressed the best in the world, any bad word will annoy him for sure. Or if you have someone who changes clothing style very often, especially if it is a female, you can suspect on a manipulator. Cameleons of clothing style will always do what group does in order to get closer info about group activities.
All people are sensitive on losing their jobs. The easiest way is to dox your target with personal info and steal its voice or record it on a tape. Call their boss in the middle of the night and talk like your target or record some swearing words on the tape and play it. Repeat this few times and your target will be hired. Or you can give bad comments about their jobs if they think that they are very highly rated.
I myself dislike to be evil to the pets and I would never do that, but you have options like poisoning, diarrhea, food manipulations, bullets…
Now if someone is paranoid about health, you may make him think that he is ill, for example find some symptoms of some illness on wikipedia and make sure to fake these symptoms well by giving your target something that might cause similar effects. Of course, don’t go to far with that, because it might turn into murder slaughter or lot worse thing.


This is the most vulnerable area in our manipulating world.
Let us talk generally about the person who knows only to have bf/gf and do everything for him/her. These people are perfect for manipulation, especially if you don’t give a fuck about them like me. Of course, the only thing you need to do is to mask your real occasions, as I myself do. You can learn how on this forum.
Or if someone wants to be popular in school for example, he will look forward to recruit as much people as he can to think the best of him. You can use my tutorial to humiliate him and destroy his rating or you can simply be the friend with that person to exploit him. Or if he loves partnerships, you are “partners” all the time. Remember if you find out vulnerabilities in this area, attack at all costs.


This is good if you are a woman. If you have a male who is desperate for sex and desperately wishes some pussy, this can be very tricky for him as he can  become victim of “using sex as bait”. Same situation can be done if roles are opposite, but this happens more rarely.
If somebody likes misteries and behaves strange, studies about paranormal stuffs you will mostly think that he is freak. But there is a trap! These people are mostly cameleons or control freaks like me – I know astrology, learn psychology and count ahead a lot in real life. So my advice is if you see somebody like them, better never try to manipulate them cause they are in most cases revengefull and you will most likely face the consequences. But you can get close to that kind of person only if you have “same interests” or if you really are similar to them their guard will be down.
I will avoid religion part because I respect all the religions and these questions are mostly impossible for manipulating. I myself am a Buddhist, but if you really want to use religion to communicate to somebody, pretend that you want to learn something new and that you are interested in his religion. If he is extremely religious and dedicated, he will surely give you some explanations.


These area can not be used much in manipulation. No one will pay you for your scholarship or force you to study. You study only if you want to. Since I became member of this forum, I learned a lot of new stuff and this makes me happy. Does this make you happy? Can you study and finish college? Think about that.
Only two things can be used – law and intelligence. If someone is breaking the law often, you can make a perfect setup for his “crime” and harm him. Or if you find out that someone is normally intelligent or stupid, remember – these kind of people are EASIER FOR MANIPULATING.


These will most likely be people that are eating everything in their way because they wish carriere progress for themselves. Beware of these people, they will do anything for their asses and nothing for yours. They will try to use you, do not let them do that. If you find a way to destroy their carriers they are done.
About politics, you have two kind of people – people that change sides frequently and stabile politicians. Both sides have advantages and disadvantages, find your way through their schema. You can exploit them if they love you.


If someone is desperate for friendships, in most cases this person is very vulnerable to your influences and easy for manipulation. If someone has a lot of friends, you have better chances to be accepted. If someone is very shy and introverted, you will be harder to reach them, but they are in most cases true friends. This area is vulnerable. You can manipulate these people if you want exploits, or you can just be as you are and be true friends, choice is yours, make sure you enjoy it! I myself never mess up with my true friends, but I do with people who “think that they are my unreplaceable friends” and claim themselves the smartest asses in the world.


This area is extremely vulnerable too. I will give you some examples.
If you know somebody’s secret you can blackmail them.
If you know their fears you can use them against them.
If you know that someone is drug dealer or pot smoker, you can report them to the police or you can just extract info from them when they are “drunk and happy”, cause they will want to be in the center of happenings when drugged or drunk( most people).
But beware, if someone has subconscious and alter ego as the strongest branches of his personality, he is born for acting, masking and pretending. If you see this, better stay off that kind of people.
So after having a value system model, you will ask me why the fuck am I writing this? Well I will tell you since my friend( she) started to learn me about profiling, I learned that everybody has a weak spot. So now 

I will share hers techniques with you, her steps in personality analyzing, profiling and manipulating:

1)      Labyrinths and patterns
Every human on this planet has some kind of schema inside of him. This is the key how their brains operate, they are following pattern. If you change schema, you create a problem to “the reader”. If someone has a pattern that is different from most people, he can also create problems if you try to read him. Not to talk about the manipulator, he is like cameleon, he confronts to his surround.
2)      Focus
Once you are trying to enter somebody’s brain, it is very important that you think about what you are doing. You need to concentrate on what are you doing, and that means that you never ever think about anything else but target’s brain while you are trying to bypass blocks and enter the brain.
Same with making profiles. Or reading people. Just be strictly focused on what you are doing, think about it. It will pay off in the end.
3)      Realizing vulnerabilities
What she does in having blue pen, yellow marker and red marker. Once she makes a profile and writes about the target, possible target vulnerabilities are marked with yellow marker, and red marker is used for stuff that should never ever be attacked or touch or this could be fatal to your target. Of course, if she is iritiated by the target, red and yellow lines are becoming perfect place for attack if you understand me.
4)      Piece of paper
You saw vulnerability? Take a decent peace of paper or write it down, write in your cell phone or laptop… You will forget after amount of time.
5)      Look in a depth
Don’t you ever focus on what you see from the outside. If person is ougly, that doesn’t necessarily mean that it is stupid. It is important to know to make the difference, and to recognize key points. Once you have them it is time for your next step. But make sure to look inside, not the outside.
6)      Analyzing and processing info
Once you have your data, it is time to process it. Make sure to look all the written data twice and test them. For example, if you wrote that your victim is vulnerable on physical look insults, make sure to test it, directly or indirectly. Don’t you left anything without test, it is always better to test something and then do it, than to do the thing from the first strike.
7)      Final result
When you have completed a puzzle, it is time to attack. And remember, make sure that you always follow the schema, because single wrong movement will lead you to fail SE.
8)      Protect yourself
The most important thing is to protect yourself. For all of you who asked me HOW TO IDENTIFY A MANIPULATOR THAT CHANGES STYLE, HERE IS YOUR ANSWER: be honest to yourself and make YOUR OWN PSYCHOLOGICAL PROFILE. Use different colors to mark your weaknesses. If manipulator has one schema, he tries it and it is huge question whether it will be successful or not. But if they change their style, THEY WILL ANALYZE YOU AND GO STRAIGHT INTO YOUR WEAKNESSES. THEY WILL LOOK AT YOUR BEHAVIOUR FOR DAYS, MONTHS, EVEN YEARS. If you know your weaknesses, and I believe you do, and colors match, you will know what is your manipulator trying to establish. KNOWLEDGE WILL PROTECT YOU!
Hope this tut will help you! I will be honoured if this tutorial becomes useful for you.


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