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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

NLP Technique  - Making Difficult Decisions

This is an extract from Stephen Macknik and Susana Martinez-Conde with Sandra Blakeslee's book Sleight of Mind.
This is not an 'NLP Technique' as such but taken from Neuroscience research on stage magic.
Despite what we might think we're not good at multi tasking. This approach stops us ignoring what might be important.
When making a difficult decision such as hiring someone, accepting a job offer or such like:
1) Make a list of all the titbits of information you have, no matter how unimportant you think they are.
2) Sequentially and carefully focus on each one individually
3) As you focus consider the ramification of each with regard to logic, emotion and intuition
4) When you've gone through each one you will be in the best position to make a decision or re-focus on the most important


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