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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

NLP Techniques - Relaxation Response

This is an extract from Richard Bandler and Garner Thomson's The Secrets of Being happy.

The Relaxation Response

15-20 Minutes, ideally twice a day

1. Start by selecting an anchor word such as "peace", "calm", "quiet" or "relax".
You can also choose a neutral word such as the number "one". Which ever word you choose, it should remain the same for all sessions from now on.
2. Sit quietly and comfortably for a few moments to allow the body to start to settle down.
Each time you exhale, softly and silently repeat your word. You aren't required to visualise anything or try to relax, or do anything else. Simply think the word once each time you breath out.
3. Accept that thoughts and distractions will come, but don't fall into the trap of trying to resist them.
Rather, each time you realise you've been thinking of something else, gently return to the word.
Remember you'll feel however you'll feel during the exercise. The benefits appear afterwards as you increase your capacity to accept whatever is.


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