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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

NLP Technique - Progressive Dissociation

Headache and other pain. Do you want to cure a headache or similar?
Bizarre, but often works!

Assume for this example that your partner has a headache

Ask your partner where the discomfort or pain is. Ask your partner to hold your wrist, then ask a sequence of questions:


What does your head feel about the pain in your head?

What does your neck feel about the pain in your head?

What does your shoulder feel about the pain in your head?

What does your elbow feel about the pain in your head?

What does your hand feel about the pain in your head?

What do your fingers feel about the pain in your head?

What do my fingers feel about the pain in your head?

What does my hand feel about the pain in your head?

What does my elbow feel about the pain in your head?

What does my shoulder feel about the pain in your pain?

What does my head feel about the pain in your pain?

And then reverse through, all the way back to your head.

Asking 'What does your head think of your headache?'


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