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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

NLP Techniques - Gratitude Inventory

 Gratitude Inventory

1. In a notebook draw three vertical columns
Give each column a heading: 1) Assets, 2) Attributes and 3) Relationships.

2. Now begin to fill out each in some detail
Under Assets. These maybe material (for example "I own my house outright.") or physical (for example "I'm the fittest I've ever been".) Assets may refer to your experience, such as educational qualifications, work experience etc.
Under Attributes. These are practical abilities, such as being able to complete projects on time, as well as emotional capabilities such as patience, endurance, even temper etc.
Under Relationships. List all those people (friends and family) you are confident that you can rely on. Think: If I was in trouble in the middle of the night could I ring any of these people and know without a moments doubt know they will turn up to help me?

3. When you have at least 20 in each category (feel free to ask for suggestions) choose one from each.

4. on a separate page, one for each item, write a sentence beginning with:
"Today I'm grateful that / for...." and fill in the relevant word of phrase.

5. Each morning, take a few moments to immerse yourself in gratitude. This is how you do that.
Find one example of each asset, attribute and relationship. Imagine you are actually experiencing each in turn. Absorb yourself into what you see, hear and feel and let the physical sensation this triggers begin to flow through your body. Notice the direction in which it is moving, and link the end point to the beginning so that it begins to spin. Now speed up the spin, allowing the feeling to move muscle to muscle, cell to cell, atom to atom until you have a full body experience.

6. Next briefly image yourself moving into the day with that feeling permeating your whole being.
How would it change your experience? What would be different and better? Most important: Who are the people you would like to share this special kind of wealth? How will you do it?


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