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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

NLP Techniques - Planning to Succeed

This is an extract from Richard Bandler and Garner Thomson's The Secrets of Being happy.

 1) Decide on an outcome you would like to have

Keep it fairly simple at this stage
2) Now, make a large picture of you and those people in your life who are important to you enjoying this outcome
3) Move the picture back; make it really big, and then start adding detail to smaller pictures between you and your outcome
If you try to put everything in the same picture, especially a still picture, its likely to become cluttered. Therefore, move the picture back, make it really big, and then start adding details smaller pictures between you and your outcome. These should contain specific information about the actions needed to move you in your desired direction. These should preferably be moving pictures; and you should be be clear at each point how you would like that experience to feel.
4) When the entire sequence is in place, step into the beginning and run the scenario, seeing, feeling everything you'd experience if it was actually happening now.
Notice how it feels to be there, moving towards your objective. Make sure that each transitional picture gets bigger, brighter and more detailed the closer you come to it.
5) Repeat the exercise several times a day


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